"Ask A Librarian" is a service for library cardholders. Librarians are available to answer questions about Library services, answer simple factual questions, and refer you to sources. If you need help with more complex research or questions, please visit the Downtown Library, Ellettsville Branch, or Southwest Branch in person.

For more specialized services or requests try:

Be as specific as possible.
Knowing where you live can often help us determine how to respond to your questions. Please enter your city, state, and/or country.
Including your name and barcode can help us respond more quickly to questions related to your account, such as placing an item on hold for you.

We will try to get an answer to you within 48 hours. Questions submitted on Friday or right before a holiday may take a little longer. For faster service, please call us or come in.

Haven't received a response from us for a question you submitted? Send us a note and be sure to enter your email address correctly.