
Happy New Year, everyone! It’s that time for reflecting on the past year, and thinking about what we might improve in the new one. But New Year’s resolutions have become kind of a lark: are we really going to keep them?

Here’s a list of the most common resolutions—and related books for helping you stick to the promises you make yourself.

▶ #1: Reduce Stress & Anxiety

These highly-rated books have helped many folks get some perspective on stress—and find peace in everyday life. Here's to finding more hygge in 2018 (that's a Danish word for comfort and coziness)!

▶ #2: Get Healthier

This is actually three resolutions in one: to move your body more, get fitter, and eat better.


Weight Loss:


▶ #3: Improve Relationships

Some of the most popular books on our most personal connections.

▶ #4: Learn a New Skill or Hobby

Depending on what you're into, these may pique your interest in a new talent or hobby. And for amazing, free self-paced learning online, don't forget Lynda.com, available through the Library.

▶ #5: Travel More
▶ #6: Get a New or Better Job

Maybe you're unhappy with your current job—or just hoping to get more out of the one you have. Either way, these books can guide you in finding the perfect new gig.

▶ #7: Reduce Debt & Save Money
▶ #8: Get Organized

Even the tidiest of people can gain something from these helpful guides to organizing your home.

▶ #9: Quit Smoking

It's one of the most difficult habits to break. You can do it—maybe with help from one of these books.

▶ #10: Read More Books
No surprise here, right? For ideas, we recommend browsing our Staff Picks booklists—particularly our year-end Recommended Reads from 2017.

Good luck in the new year—and stay resolute!