The Community Organizations database provides information about Monroe County nonprofits and groups.


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100+ Women Who Care


We are a group of more than one hundred women in the Monroe County, IN, area who have joined together to support local not-for-profit agencies that are active in our community. We meet once per quarter on the first WEDNESDAY of the following months: February, May, August, November.

Community Organizations Subjects: 
7 - Public/Social Benefit
Nonprofit Support

211 Information and Referral


Area 10 Agency on Aging administers 2-1-1 Infolink, in partnership with the United Way of Monroe County and Smithville Telephone. This local 2-1-1 call center maintains a comprehensive database of community resources serving Monroe and Owen counties. Dial 2-1-1 for information about community resources that offer assistance with: Food, Clothing, and Shelter, Affordable Housing Employment, Emergency Financial Assistance Childcare Health and mental health care, including substance abuse services Legal Issues.

Year Established: 
2010 (all day)
Community Organizations Subjects: 
Health Services
5 - Human Services
Emergency Services-Housing, Food, Money

ABLES (Autism/Aspergers Better Living Empowerment Society)


A socialization and activity group for older teens (16+) and adults on the autism spectrum.

The group meets the first Wednesday of every month from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at the Food Court in College Mall where they eat together, converse, and plan an outing for the rest of the month. Please e-mail for more information.

This group does not "teach" social skills. ABLES gives an opportunity for those on the autism spectrum to meet others, practice social skills, and enjoy activities with others who have similar issues.

Year Established: 
2000 (all day)
Community Organizations Subjects: 
Community Development

ACUI Association of College Unions International


ACUI (Association of College Unions International) was founded in the Midwestern United States by a group of students. Today, it has grown into the knowledge-based association for those students and professionals working in college unions and student activities throughout the world. The ACUI Central Office moved to Bloomington in 1981 and has maintained close ties with the local community and Indiana University ever since.

Year Established: 
1914 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 
Professional Associations
Student Organizations



Mission: to facilitate human flourishing through the pursuit of athletic excellence. 

Our year-round competitive swim team offers swim lessons, competitive swim training, and swimming for adults. Practices are offered daily at Edgewood High School.

Year Established: 
2014 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 
Recreation & Sports

Aktion Club of LIFEDesigns (formerly Options)


Aktion Club is a service leadership program of Kiwanis International for adults living with disabilities
We meet on the second Friday of every month at the Bloomington office of LIFEDesigns Inc.

Year Established: 
2008 (all day)
Community Organizations Subjects: 
People with Disabilities
4 - Health
Support Groups



AL-ANON is a fellowship of men, women and children whose lives have been affected by the drinking of a family member or friend.

Community Organizations Subjects: 
4 - Health
Substance Use Disorders
Support Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous


Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Community Organizations Subjects: 
4 - Health
Substance Use Disorders
Support Groups

All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center

At All-Options we provide Hoosiers with open-hearted support across all of their pregnancy and parenting turning points by providing free pregnancy tests and peer counseling, materials support like diapers and baby clothes and referrals to all kinds of community services. We know that every individual’s and family’s reality is different, and we trust and support people through every pregnancy and parenting turning point. Whether you need support for unplanned pregnancy, miscarriage, infertility, abortion, adoption, or parenting, All-Options is here for you.
Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 
4 - Health
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Support Groups

Alzheimer's Resource Center


Bloomington Hospital's Alzheimer's Resource Service serves families and professional caregivers who live or work with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Care for the caregiver is a primary mission of the center, and education, support, and resources are offered at no charge. Funded by the Bloomington Hospital Foundation. See also the Care Circle, a support group sponsored by the Alzheimer's Resource Center. 812-353-9299 - By appointment only.

Community Organizations Subjects: 
Older Adults
Senior Citizens
4 - Health

Amateur Softball Association (ASA)


Located on W. Bloomfield Rd. (2nd Street) on the west side of town, Twin Lakes Sports Park plays host to spring, summer and fall adult softball leagues, and has been awarded the distinction of hosting national softball tournaments for all ages of participants for over a decade.

Community Organizations Subjects: 
5 - Human Services
Recreation & Sports

American Red Cross, Southeast Chapter


Since 1917, the Monroe County Chapter of the American Red Cross has provided disaster relief, services to Armed Forces, emergency preparedness and lifesaving programs to Bloomington and the surrounding communities. Today we serve residents in both Monroe and neighboring Owen County 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 
Health Services
5 - Human Services
Emergency Services-Housing, Food, Money
Social Services

American Guild of Organists, Bloomington Chapter


All individuals interested in the organ and choral music fields are invited to join the American Guild of Organists. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of denominational affiliation or musical ability.

Community Organizations Subjects: 
1 - Cultural (Arts & Humanities)
Performing Arts

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 18


A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families.

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.

Year Established: 
1919 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 
7 - Public/Social Benefit
Fraternal Organizations

American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 2000


AMVETS (or American Veterans) has a proud history of assisting veterans and sponsoring numerous programs that serve our country and its citizens.

AMVETS Mission Statement: To enhance and safeguard the earned benefits of all American Veterans who have served honorably and to improve the quality of life for them, their families, and the communities where they live through leadership, advocacy and services.

Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 
7 - Public/Social Benefit

Amethyst House


Amethyst House, Inc., is a Bloomington, Indiana, based not-for-profit United Way agency that provides high quality, structured living environments, treatment, education and recovery services to individuals with addictions and substance abuse issues.

Community Organizations Subjects: 
4 - Health
Substance Use Disorders
Support Groups
