The Community Organizations database provides information about Monroe County nonprofits and groups.


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Delta Sigma Pi


Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.

Community Organizations Subjects: 

Democratic Women's Caucus


Regina Moore, Bloomington's current City Clerk, first conceived the idea of a Democratic Women's Caucus during the local 2003 campaigns. She and Susan Sandberg were the only women to run on the city's ballot in 2003. Moore ran for and was reelected City Clerk.

Community Organizations Subjects: 

District 10 Pro Bono Project


Matches low-income clients with volunteer attorneys in the community who will take the case for free. For civil cases only. This organization serves Lawrence, Greene, Owen and Monroe Counties.

Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 

Diversity Theatre


Diversity Theatre is a company that addresses, through the medium of theater, various social issues (e.g., disability, aging, gender, homelessness, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation). They perform for adults and children, generating productions through improvisation. They also sponsor the MOSAIC Film Festival, this year showing short films for adults and children on aging, religion, race/ethnicity, and disability

Community Organizations Subjects: 



We want to welcome anyone that is hurting from the pain of separation and divorce. 

We meet on Mondays from 7:00PM-9:00PM at Sherwood Oaks Christian Church in room 222. 

Let the group help you deal with the pain and put you in a safe place and find God's love and healing powers. Many of the people you know cannot understand why you struggle with the pain. Be with people who understand what you are dealing with and can help you recover. 

Year Established: 
2024 (all day)

Donald E. Owens Memorial Lodge 88, Fraternal Order of Police


The Donald E Owens Memorial Lodge 88 membership consists of members representing 12 local law enforcement agencies in Monroe, Brown, Greene and Martin counties. Our primary position is to represent law enforcement in matters of wages and salaries, rights, benefits, work hours, and safety. The lodge is also active with improving the community by making charitable donations to fellow officers in need, youth sport and education programs, disaster/tragedy assistance, and the Special Olympics.

Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 

Down Syndrome Family Connection


Connecting Ordinary People - Celebrating Extraordinary Lives
Our vision is to bring together families in Bloomington and South Central Indiana in support of those with Down syndrome.

Year Established: 
2006 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 

Downtown Visitors Center


Provide you with information about the many attractions and landmarks on IU's campus that you may want to visit. You'll also find information on the history and traditions that are an integral part of the Indiana University experience, links to official IU information on athletics, academics and alumni, plus lots of great inside tips for visiting campus.

Community Organizations Subjects: 

Ducks Unlimited


Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.

Waterfowl conservation is facing important challenges as wetlands and other habitats are being degraded and destroyed across the continent. Ducks Unlimited has a vision to reverse this trend.

Early Music In Motion


Early Music in Motion is a not-for profit with a mission to provide music related to the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods to young audiences and underserved communities of the state of Indiana through concerts, didactical performances and workshops.

Year Established: 
2005 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 

Earth Care


Earth Care seeks to listen to and work with all concerned religious communities and individuals in order to create an ever-widening circle of care for creation. We urge all Indiana's faith communities to be centers of this care by living more prudently and speaking up for policies that embody creation care.

El Centro Comunal Latino (CCL)


El Centro Comunal Latino (CCL) is a grassroots, community-based organization that seeks to provide an accessible and safe space for all Hispanics, with a focus on Spanish-speaking people, to find information, access to resources and a place to hold community events. CCL also seeks to promote communication and understanding among service agencies and the Latino community in order to facilitate their integration and encourage active Hispanic participation in the greater Bloomington community (Monroe County).

Community Organizations Subjects: 

Elizabeth Sage Historic Costume Collection


This collection contains over 15,000 objects relating to clothing and personal adornment, dating from the late 18th century to the present. Collection is in storage but is open for research.

Community Organizations Subjects: 

Ellettsville Chamber of Commerce


The Ellettsville Chamber of Commerce is the voice of the business community and provides the glue in a mosaic of community partners working together to make Ellettsville a more vibrant, productive, and cohesive community. The Chamber, established in 1960, continues to preserve the twon's image and help make the community a better place to work and live.

Incorporation Status: 

Ellettsville First Assembly Of God


Core Values:





We believe God has placed Ellettsville First Assembly of God into this community for a specific mission: “Healing Hearts | Changing Lives” by the power of Jesus Christ. Our vision is meant to expand on the mission.

Community Organizations Subjects: 

Ellettsville Main Street, Inc.


Working to revitalize historic downtown Ellettsville and preserve our limestone industry heritage. We work on developing the Heritage Trail, Santa on Sale Street event, and preserving historic photos and other downtown Ellettsville efforts.

Year Established: 
2000 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 
