The Friends of the Library is a 501(c)(3 )nonprofit organization. All memberships and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Friends of the Library (also known as the Monroe County Public Library Foundation) is a nonprofit corporation. We collect and administer the grants, gifts, bequests, and other monies (outside of local tax receipts) that help make the library's many programs such an integral part of our community.

Complete form, print, and mail with your check. (To use a credit or debit card, change to an online option)

Please indicate how you would like the Friends to use your donation:


$ Library Experiences for Everyone.
Contribute to the Friends efforts to support and supplement the library's books, music, movies, programs, and services. 90% addresses current needs; 10% is invested in the general endowment. Your donation will help the Friends respond in a timely manner and address the library's immediate needs.
$ The Power of Words. Changing Our World One Author at a Time.
A biennial community event featuring guest authors whose literary talent, imagery, and eloquence provide an insight into local issues and concerns - authors whose writing and speaking styles capture the hearts and minds of our community.
$ General Endowment.
Guarantees funds for an annual grant to the library for programs, special needs, and staff development.
$ Childrens Endowment.
Ensures support for the library's innovative and outstanding children's services.
$ Sue Shelden Teaching Kitchen Endowment.
Ensures programming and upkeep support for the Southwest Branch Library's Teaching Kitchen, promoting food literacy, healthy eating, sustainability, innovative teaching, and culture.
$ VITAL Endowment.
Supports reading and literacy for adults through the library's Volunteers In Teaching Adult Literacy (VITAL) programs.
$ Build the Collection Endowment.
Assures that the library's book, media, and research collections remain current and dynamic, enriching lives and meeting the evolving needs of the community.

Please send notification of my memorial/honorary gift to

Please print the completed form and mail with your check payable to:

Friends of the Library
303 E. Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408

If you have questions, please contact the Friends office
10 am - 3 pm., Monday-Thursday
(812) 349-3050, extension 1080, or fol [at]