The Great MCPL Kids Bake Off: Orchard Edition


It's a brand-new challenge for The Great MCPL Kids Bake Off: Orchard Edition!

Young bakers throughout Monroe County can register using this form starting Wednesday, September 4. Then, pick up your baking kit from your desired MCPL location, which includes a locally-sourced mystery ingredient, a seasonal cookie cutter, and some other fun goodies that can help inspire your show-stopping treat! Finally, create your dessert and share a photo of your creation to KidsBakeOff [at] by Wednesday, September 25. The baker with the most scrumptious-looking and creative dish will win a gift card to a local bakery!

If you're unable to eat the mystery ingredient due to dietary restrictions, you are welcome to substitute something similar. Ages 7–12. Email KidsBakeOff [at] with any questions.