Other Community Quaranzines
During quarantine, many people either created, or submitted creations to, a Quaranzine! The Library and our community created our own quaranzine, and thank you all so much for your lovely contributions. We wanted to take the time and create some space to highlight other Quaranzines made by people from elsewhere in the world. Here are some of our favorites. We hope you enjoy them!
Minnesota Youth Collective’s Quaranzine [1]
[1]An amazing Quaranzine! A collection of photographs, poetry, prose, and artwork, this zine is something to behold. Made by Minnesota Youth Collective.
Quarantine Zine [2]
[2]This zine is shown through a long series of photographs of the zine - and they are beautiful and wildly creative! Showing feelings, thoughts, artwork, and poetry/prose, this zine truly shows what a community can create.
Public Collector’s Quaranzine [3]
[3]Public Collectors is a long running project based out of Chicago dedicated to archiving ephemera from public institutions, and during the quarantine lockdown, its creator, Marc Fischer, collaborated with writers and artists from around the world to design and publish 100 daily issues of a one page zine/newsletter each of which addressed a different topic or idea.
Rutherford County Library System’s Quaranzine [4]
[4]The August issue highlights beautiful artwork created by people of all ages, while the June issue showcases a felt hat that is absolutely stunning. These short zines show great creativity and craftsmanship.