Quaranzine: Call for Submissions

During this period of social distancing, the Library invites you to contribute to making an online Quaranzine! The Library's Quaranzine is a community-response zine compiling our community's thoughts, feelings, and reactions surrounding the current situation of quarantine, social distancing, and living in these uncertain times.
You may contribute art in the form of an 8.5” x 5.5” page of words or images, a single photograph or image, and/or less than 500 words about this topic. Recipes, pictures, fun projects, and more––all ideas that highlight the community and uplift voices are encouraged and welcome!
Zines have always amplified community voices, and especially while we cannot physically be around each other, there is a strong need for community solidarity. Please reach out to quaranzine [at] mcpl.info with any questions or entries. Submissions for the first volume will be accepted through May 25. Submissions will be compiled and posted to here at the end of the month.