Looking for something to read, watch, listen to, play, or do? Take a look at our collections! Not sure what to check out? Our staff can provide you with personalized recommendations!

Adult Movies, Music, and Video Games
DVDs and Blu-rays
Our adult collection of DVDs and Blu-rays contains a broad selection of entertaining, informational, and instructional videos.
Our music collection is available in CD format and through Freegal and Hoopla. It focuses on current, popular material from all genres.
Streaming Video
Video content is available through Hoopla, Kanopy, and OverDrive. Check each service to discover all titles that are available. The digital collection also offers children's content.
Video Games
The video game collection includes popular titles for Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Wii consoles.
Adult eBooks and Audiobooks
eBooks are available from OverDrive/Libby and Hoopla. Most titles are listed in our catalog, but each platform will have the most complete and accurate results. The digital collection also offers children's content.
The audiobook collection includes popular titles in all genres from OverDrive/Libby and Hoopla. Most titles are listed in the library catalog, but each platform will have the most complete and accurate results. The digital collection also offers children's content.
Books on CD
The books on CD collection provides recordings of books and other audio resources. It is a representative selection of titles and subjects in the physical book collection.
Playaways provide recordings of books and other audio resources with an audio player included. It is a representative selection of titles and subjects in the physical book collection.
Adult Fiction Books
The fiction collection consists of current fiction titles as well as older titles and classics.
This adult fiction collection includes police mysteries, tales of amateur detectives, and psychological thrillers. Mystery series and classics are located within this collection.
Science Fiction and Fantasy
This adult fiction collection includes science fiction, fantasy, and alternative histories. Current titles, classics, series, and collections of short stories are all located here.
Inspirational titles are available to browse and check out at the Ellettsville Branch. They can be placed on hold to pick up at any location.
Adult Nonfiction Books
The nonfiction collection is a well-rounded and balanced collection of subject areas.
The biography collection includes books written about a wide variety of people, both historical and modern.
The cookbook collection includes books from various cultures, dietary lifestyles, and types of food.
Indiana Room Materials
The Indiana Room collection provides current and historical materials about Bloomington, Monroe County, and Indiana, including governmental, historical, and genealogical titles.
The poetry collection is primarily American poetry, but includes various significant works from around the world.
The science collection focuses on popular science books.
Tech Titles
Tech titles include computer-related titles, as well as titles related to 3D printing, photography, audio and video production, and other STEAM-related materials.
The travel collection includes guides to worldwide locations, with an expanded collection for Indiana and other United States locations.
Young Adult Books, Graphic Novels, and Manga
Young Adult (YA) Fiction
The YA fiction collection offers a wide variety of titles with an emphasis on the interests and experiences of young adults.
Graphic Novels and Manga
The graphic novel collection contains illustration-based books for both young adults and adults, including graphic adaptations, superhero and other series, and stand-alone titles. The manga collection contains a wide variety of comic books and graphic novels originally produced and published in Japan.
Large Print, Foreign Language, and Volunteers in Tutoring Adult Learners (VITAL) Materials
Large Print
These fiction and nonfiction titles are available in large print format to assist those who are visually impaired.
Spanish Materials
Our Spanish collection primarily contains books written in Spanish with an emphasis on Mexican and Latin American resources.
VITAL Materials
The VITAL collection provides resources for adult learners. Materials are available to help improve reading and life skills, learn English as a new language, study for a high school equivalency diploma, and prepare for the citizenship test.
Library of Things, Magazines & Newspapers, Maps, and Zines
Library of Things
This collection includes things you might not expect to find at a library, including iPads, a seed library, toys, energy monitors, book club kits, mobile hotspots, ukuleles, video game controllers and more.
Magazines & Newspapers
We offer a wide selection of popular magazines, journals, local and regional publications, and a sampling of other related materials. We subscribe to a number of local, Indiana, regional, and national newspapers. Many popular magazines for adults and kids are available through OverDrive/Libby and articles are indexed and often available in full-text through our eLibrary.
The maps collection, MoCo Maps, includes maps for Bloomington, Monroe County, and Indiana both available in the Indiana Room and online.
The zine collection contains small-circulation, self-published works of original or appropriated images, art, and text that often give voice to small, local, underrepresented, or marginalized communities. Zines are created and reproduced on a small scale, including everything from comics and DIY self-help guides to personal stories, nonfiction, and more.
Children's Materials
Movies, Music, and Video Games
These collections include DVDs, music CDs, and video games selected for children. Digital video and music selections are also available from Freegal, Hoopla, Kanopy, and OverDrive.
This collection includes books on CD and Playaways selected for children. Playaways provide recordings of books and other audio resources with an audio player included. Digital audiobooks for children are available from OverDrive/Libby and Hoopla.
The children's fiction collection consists of current fiction titles as well as older titles and classics, including titles for younger and older elementary students, and picture books.
The children's nonfiction collection is a well-rounded and balanced collection of nonfiction materials to support curiosity and learning for children of all ages. It includes picture books.
Early Reader and First Chapter Books
The children's early reader and first chapter book collections are selected for children in the early stages of reading independently.
Graphic Novels and Manga
The children's graphic novel collection contains illustration-based books specifically written for children. The manga collection contains a wide variety of comic books and graphic novels originally produced and published in Japan.
Spanish Materials
The children's Spanish collection primarily contains books written in Spanish with an emphasis on Mexican and Latin American resources.