Ever dream of writing a story, graphic novel, biography or memoir? As literary prize-winner E.L. Doctorow said, "Writing is an exploraton. You start from nothing and learn as you go." It's time to begin exploring those inner and outer worlds that only you can describe. Writing, as many authors agree, is like living twice. Start your second life now.
Everything you need to know to create a great comic book or graphic novel, including: scripting, setting, characterization, visualization, storytelling, and movement. Plus this book’s visually striking format incorporates comic book techniques, and makes for a fun, informative read.
Local novelist, Thom, shares his deep knowledge of how to write books based on real history. How do you make your characters’ speech, clothing, and activities sound believable when they lived so long ago? This guide covers everything from research to verisimilitude. It will inspire you to try your hand at this fascinating genre.
From the doyenne of memoir writing, Mary Karr brings her usual wit, empathy, and great knowledge of how to write an interesting book that will keep you turning the pages. For memoir, voice is vital, she says, as is a true knowledge of oneself. The extensive list of recommended memoirs alone makes this book worthwhile.
Online writing is making Hemingways from our Faulkners. There are many times when brevity is vital in this 24-7 world. This book shows you how to keep it short but without skimping on necessary content.
This guide is as lyrical as its subject. Although it does not offer prompts or exercises, it involves the reader deeply in the poetic process. Highly imaginative, it approaches creative writing as a mystery full of wonder where indirection and shadows often lead the way.
This informative nuts and bolts guide to writing nails down the practical essentials: usage, unity, the lead and endings. It also covers a range of nonfiction genres: science and technology, humor, memoir, travel, the arts, etc. Get started in nonfiction by following this pro’s cogent advice.
After the grueling battle to finish writing your book, the next round begins, midwifing it into the world. In this age of self-publishing and lean and mean book publishers, the author has to take command of his or her own marketing. This book will show you how.
In short one to four page vignettes, writing guru Goldberg shares her insights into the writing process. She does this by making writing practice playful, sometimes communal, and always free-flowing. If you suffer from writer’s block, the thirtieth year anniversary edition of the classic will start you writing going again.
This comprehensive guide provides the details and techniques you need to create and people other worlds, and to add amazing fantastical elements to your own. Learn about magical rituals, interstellar travel, elves, orcs and giants so you can create a book of your own. Taught by several sci-fi and fantasy masters.