This staff picks list features titles written by and about members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Stories of the LGBTQIA+ community's experiences are significant because they allow children to see themselves in stories, as well as find similarities with the author; it means that not only is the story important, but also who tells that story. 

Call Me Tree

Maya Christina Gonzalez
(Español Juvenil - Ej Gon)

A bilingual poetic tale that follows one child/tree from the depths of Mami/Earth to the heights of the sky, telling a story about being free to grow and be who we are meant to be and honoring our relationship with the natural world. In a successful venture of using gender-neutral language, this beautiful picture book addresses the life cycle and how unique everyone is. Recommended for ages 6–9.

Heather Has Two Mommies

Lesléa Newman
(Juvenile Nonfiction - J 306.76 New)

Celebrate the number two with Heather! She has two arms, two legs, two pets, and two mommies! When she goes to school and a classmate asks her about her dad, Heather worries that her family is different. But when an art project shows the many kinds of families that her classmates have, Heather realizes the most important thing for a family is love. Recommended for ages 3–6.

I Am Jazz!

Jessica Herthel
(Juvenile Nonfiction - J 306.768 Her)

This picture book explores the true story of Jessica (Jazz) Herthel, who realized she was a girl in a boy's body from a very young age. With her parents' support and understanding, they let Jazz be herself. Recommended for ages 6–9.

Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story About Gender and Friendship

Jessica Walton
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Wal)

Errol's best friend and teddy, Thomas, is sad because he wishes he were a girl, not a boy teddy, but what only matters to both of them is that they are friends. Recommended for ages 3–6.

It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity

Theresa Thorn
(Juvenile Nonfiction - J 305.3 Tho)

Some people are boys. Some people are girls. Some people are both, neither, or somewhere in between. This sweet, straightforward exploration of gender identity will give children a fuller understanding of themselves and others. With child-friendly language and vibrant art, the book provides young readers and parents alike with the vocabulary to discuss this important topic with sensitivity. Recommended for ages 6–9.

King and King

Linda de Haan
(Juvenile Nonfiction - J 306.76 Ha)

When the queen insists that the prince get married and take over as king, the search for a suitable mate does not turn out as expected. Recommended for ages 3–6.

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress

Christine Baldacchino
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Bal)

A young boy faces adversity from classmates when he wears an orange dress at school. When classmates refuse to let Morris play in the spaceship, it sparks big emotions and stomachaches. Morris's creativity and friendliness find a solution in the end! Recommended for ages 6–9.

Oliver Button Is a Sissy

Tomie DePaola
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej De)

Oliver Button loves singing, dressing up, and tap dancing! He doesn't like to play sports though, and his classmates taunt him. Oliver persists in his passions and enters a talent contest, proving to himself and his classmates that anyone can stand up for their dreams! Recommended for ages 6–9.

The Paper Bag Princess

Robert Munsch
(Juvenile Picture Books – Ej Mun)

When a dragon comes along and burns all Elizabeth's clothes, smashes her castle, and kidnaps her prince, it's up to Elizabeth to recover her possessions and save her prince. But how will she achieve that, and what will the prince think? Recommended for ages 3–6.

Prince and Knight

Daniel Haack
(Juvenile Picture Book - Ej Haa)

A prince tries but fails to find a companion in the princesses of the land. When a dragon threatens the safety of his kingdom, he immediately goes to save the day, but gets instead is captured by the dragon. A knight in shining armor comes, and together, they defeat the dragon and find true love that is celebrated by the whole kingdom! Recommended for ages 3–6.

Red: A Crayon’s Story

Michael Hall
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Hal)

Red's factory-applied label clearly says that he is red, but despite the best efforts of his teacher, fellow crayons and art supplies, and family members, he cannot seem to do anything right until a new friend offers a fresh perspective. Recommended for ages 3–6.

Sparkle Boy

Lesléa Newman
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej New)

Younger sibling Casey wants to dress and act like his sister Jessie. Jessie isn't so fond of this, but when Casey is teased at school about his appearance, Jessie comes to the rescue and learns to celebrate Casey. Recommended for ages 3–6.

Stella Brings the Family

Miriam B. Schiffer
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Sch)

As Mother's Day approaches, Stella's class is excited to throw a Mother's Day celebration. Stella, who has two dads, isn't sure how to celebrate the holiday. Though her dads love and support her every day, she just doesn't have a mom to invite to the party. Fortunately, Stella finds a great solution to her party problem. Recommended for ages 6–9.

A Tale of Two Mommies

Vanita Oelschlager
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Oel)

A young boy describes to two other children how his two mommies help him with all of his needs. Recommended for ages 3–6.

And Tango Makes Three

Justin Richardson
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Ri)

Based on a true story of New York City Central Park Zoo's male penguins, Roy and Silo, who became inseparable and raised a young baby penguin, Tango. Recommended for ages 3–6.

This Day in June

Gayle Pitman
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Pit)

A fun and bold picture book illustrating a Pride parade that depicts people of all gender identities and sexual orientations. A note at the end serves as a primer on LGBTQIA+ history and culture and explains references made in the story. Recommended for ages 3–6.

What Riley Wore

Elana K. Arnold
(Juvenile Picture Book - Ej Arn)

Gender-creative Riley knows just what to wear for every occasion during a busy week with family and friends. Follow Riley through their week and see how their feelings and emotions inform their wardrobe choices! Recommended for ages 3–6.

William's Doll

Charlotte Zolotow
(Juvenile Picture Books – Ej Zol)

William's father gives him a basketball and a train—and though he likes those toys very much, they do not make him want a doll any less. Recommended for ages 6–9.

Worm Loves Worm

J.J. Austrian
(Juvenile Picture Books - Ej Aus)

Two worms in love decide to get married, and with help from Cricket, Beetle, Spider, and the Bees, they have everything they need and more, but which one will be the bride and which the groom? Recommended for ages 3–6.