The Community Organizations database provides information about Monroe County nonprofits and groups.


Book Clubs - Community Organizations

Click on the title of the organization to view upcoming meetings at the library and links to similar organizations.

Books Plus Book Discussion Group


Books Plus is an once-a-month discussion group which meets at the library to talk about a wide range of books and issues. Books and other media, both fiction and nonfiction, are the springboards for discussing new trends, social issues, genres, best sellers, foreign authors, etc. Each month, the group focuses on one or more books (chosen in advance). A volunteer leads the discussion.

Community Organizations Subjects: 

History Book Club


The HiSTORY Book Club meets on the First Saturday of the month (unless it falls on a holiday) from 1-2:15 at the Monroe County History Center. Ours is a group for reading and discussing books that relate to history of all different periods, especially those that tie in to Indiana history in some way. We read a mix of fiction and nonfiction. Everyone is welcome to join - but RSVPs are appreciated so we'll be sure to have enough snacks on hand. You can email Jennifer Borland to get the current titles on our reading calendar.

Year Established: 
2016 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 