Resources for Early Childhood Educators

These sites provide activity ideas for teachers and parents, as well as expert advice regarding the education of young children.
Born Learning [1]
This United Way initiative is designed to help parents, caregivers and communities support early childhood development with information on stages of development, and research-based ideas for turning everyday moments into fun learning opportunities for young children.
EarlyChildhood.Com [2]
Information, products and ideas for parents and teachers. Includes "Teacher QuickSource" and "Early Childhood News" section with classroom ideas for seasonal, age-appropriate activities.
Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children [3]
IAEYC promotes and supports quality care and education for all young children, birth through age eight, in Indiana. Find information on state conferences, public policies and current issues relating to the care of young children.
Indiana Department of Education: Early Learning [4]
Provides information on the care of young children through various initiatives including: The Foundations to the Indiana Academic Standards, the Indiana Birth to Age 5 Literacy Framework and the ISTAR-KR Assessment. See also: Indiana Early Learning Standards (PDF) [5].
Monroe Smart Start: A Birth-to-Five Initiative [6]
A leadership initiative of the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, [7] Monroe Smart Start provides resources for early childhood educators, families, and community advocates to ensure all children age birth to five in Monroe County are prepared for success in school and in life.
NAEYC - National Association for the Education of Young Children [8]
Information about the organization, as well as publications and position statements on issues relating to teaching young children.
Reading Rockets: For Preschool and Childcare [9]
This national multimedia project offers research-based and best-practice information on teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle. Includes special sections on early literacy development, and quality preschool and childcare.
RIF - Reading is Fundamental [10]
This section of the RIF site, provides activities to help children between the ages of 0 and 5 discover the joy of reading. Includes nursery rhymes, fingerplays, games, and information for grown-ups, too.
The Whole Child [11]
See the ABC's of Child Development, which covers general information about ages and stages. A section of this site is devoted to childcare providers, with tips and activity ideas to help classroom teachers. Topics include helping children develop self-control, fostering creativity, and the development of language skills.
Zero to Three [12]
National, nonprofit organization that promotes the health and development of infants and toddlers. See the Little Kids, Big Questions section featuring podcasts on some of the most common (and challenging) issues facing parents of babies and toddlers. Also includes information on child care and school readiness.