Monroe County Public Library Security Camera Policy
The Monroe County Public Library strives to offer a welcoming environment where customers can use the Library’s resources in safety and comfort. Security cameras are in use at the Library for the narrow purpose of enhancing the physical security of the Library, its property, staff and customers. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of the cameras, as well as the access and retrieval of recorded images.
Security Camera Purpose and Placement Guidelines
Security cameras will be used in public places to document events involving the safety and security of patrons, staff, and Library property. Cameras will not be installed in areas of the Library where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms, private offices, or staff break rooms. Cameras will be placed in indoor and outdoor areas.
- Cameras will not be positioned to identify a person’s reading, viewing, or listening activities in the Library.
- Notices are posted at the Library entrances informing the public and staff that cameras are in use.
- Cameras are not installed for the purpose of monitoring staff performance and will not be used for the purpose of routine staff performance evaluations.
- Cameras are not continuously monitored and therefore individuals should continue to take appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of their personal property.
- Camera locations will not be changed without permission from the Director or designee.
Use and Disclosure of Video Records
- Digital records may be used to identify the person or persons responsible for Library policy violations, criminal activity, damage or destruction of Library property or actions disruptive to normal Library operations.
- Data from the cameras is recorded and stored. Recorded data is considered confidential and secure. Access to recorded data is limited to the following Library staff: Director, security, or the Director’s designated appointees. Authorized individuals may review recorded data in order to identify those responsible for suspected Library policy violations or criminal activity on Library property.
- Digital security records are not to be used to identify the activities of individual Library patrons except as viewed in relation to suspected criminal activity, suspected violation of the Library’s policies, or incidents where there is reasonable basis to believe a claim may be made against the Library for civil liability.
- The Director or their designee may use a still shot or selected portions of recorded data to request law enforcement review of a specific individual or for investigating a crime on Library property.
- A copy of digital security data will be made available to law enforcement upon request and with the approval of the Director or their designee. Recorded data will be accorded the same level of confidentiality and protection provided to Library users by Indiana state law and the Library’s policies.
- Images may be shared with Library security staff to identify person(s) suspended from Library property.
- Images may be shared by Library security staff upon request by law enforcement for suspected criminal activity on Library property during a limited specified time period.
- Confidentiality and privacy issues prevent the Library from allowing the public to view security camera footage. If the Library receives a request from the general public to view recorded camera footage, the public will be advised to file a police report.
- Video images are stored digitally and retained for approximately 30 days.
- In the event of a suspected crime or incident, still shots or selected portions of the recorded data will be maintained until resolution of the specific incident.
- Occasional spot-checking of images and recordings will occur to assure proper operation of security equipment.
- Live viewing of data may occur to alert staff to customers in an unstaffed public area of the Library or in cases of suspected criminal activity.
- Recordings shall not be used or disclosed other than as specifically authorized by this policy. Staff who misuse this data will be subject to disciplinary action.
Policy will be reviewed annually by the Board
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees October 20, 2021