Online Components for VITAL Collection Materials
Active Reader Workbooks Beginning through intermediate leveled reading passages and writing activities. To access "Working with Beginning Readers" Teacher's Guide and Extension Activities: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Additional Resources," select "Working with Beginning Readers" or "Extension Activities."
American Lives Historic American biographies: To access Teacher's Guide and Activity Chart: 1. Select from three books/titles. 2. On new page under "Free Resources," select "Teacher's Guide" or "Activity Chart."
At Work in th U. S. On the job issues are used to teach English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and more. To access audio and Teacher's Resource Guide: 1. On book/title, click "Learn More." 2. On new page under "FreeResources," select audio and/or Teacher's Resource Guide.
Biographies To access printable workbook: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Downloads," select "Free Workbook."
Breakthrough to Math Series Placement Inventory, Student Profile, Teacher's Directory with Locater, and Mastery Checkups for each level.
Challenger Series
- Level 1–4 Placement Tool, Level Puzzles, and Certificate of Completion, Scope and Sequence Charts
- Level 5–8 Placement Tool, Level Puzzles, Scope and Sequence Charts, Word Index for levels 6–8, and Writing Checklist
From Home to School Stories and Activities for Parents School themed stories and activities are used to teach grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, and pronunciation. Select Student Book 1 or Student Book 2 On new page under "Free Resources," select audio or Teacher's Guide.
Grammar Wise Basic grammar instruction. Select Grammar Wise 1 or Grammer Wise 2 On new page under "Free Resources," select Teacher's Guide or Scope and Sequence.
Health Stories Health, first aid, safety, and U.S healthcare system are used to teach reading and language. 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Resources," Select "Audio" or "Teacher's Guide."
Journey to Success Reading, writing, vocabulary, and comprehension skills at middle to junior high level. 1. Select book/title*. 2. On new page under "Free Resources," select from list including "Placement Chart," "Scope and Sequence," "Study Guide," and more.
Laubach Way to Reading Diagnostic Inventory and Teacher's Guide, Checkup, and Student Diploma for each level. Fry Reading Levels, Levels Comparison Chart
- Level 1 (also flashcards and illustrations)
- Level 2 (also illustrations)
- Level 3 (also illustrations)
- Level 4
Novel Scenes Series Workplace stories are used to to teach introductory to low intermediate level reading and language. To access audio and/or Teacher's Guide: 1. On book/title, click "Learn More." 2. On new page under "Free Resources," select "Audio" or "Teacher's Guide.
Math Sense Series To access Study guides, simulated tests for HiSET and TASC and more: 1. On book/title, click "Learn More." 2. On new page under "Free Resources," select from list.
Pathfinders Series Biographies at beginning level reading. To access printable student activities, pre-reading, workbooks, reading guides, comprehension and discussion questions, and other teaching tools: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Downloads," select "Discussion Questions."
Photostories Series Beginning level reading. To access printable student activities and/or MP3 audio—available for some titles: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Downloads," select "Student Activities" and/or "MP3 Audio."
Road to Work Series Workplace situations are used to to build English proficiency. To access glossaries, scope and sequence, and more: 1. On book/title, click "Learn More." 2. On new page under "Additional Resources," select from list.
Stories Series: Easy Stories, Stories Plus, More Easy Stories Plus, and More Stories Plus To access Audio, Teaching Tips, and Teacher's Guide: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Downloads," select from list.
Teaching Adults: A Math Resource Book To access 11 "teaching math" videos, select Teaching Adult: Math at bottom of page under "Additional Resources," select video from list.
That's Life and Life Goes On series introductory to low intermediate level English study. To access audio and Teacher's Guides: 1. On book/title*, click "Learn More." 2. On new page under "Free Resources," select from list of downloads. *To view all online resources for each series look under "Free Resources" at That's Life Series and Life Goes On Series.
What's Next To access Audio, Teacher's Guide, Scope and Sequence, and more: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Resources," select from list of downloads.
WorkWise To access worksheets, sample job application, resume templates, and more: 1. On book/title*, click "Learn More." 2. On new page under "Additional Resources," select from list of downloads. *To view all online resources for this series look under "Additional Resources" at WorkWise Soft Skills and WorkWise Academic Skills.
Good Reads Series To access reading guides: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Downloads," select "Reading Guide"
Open Door Series Teacher's Guide, activities for pre-reading, while reading and post reading
Photostories Series Beginning level reading. To access printable student activities and/or MP3 audio—available for some titles: 1. Select book/title. 2. On new page under "Free Downloads," select "Student Activities" and/or "MP3 Audio."
ProLingua Learning Sample Chapters and Teacher's Guides