Free one-on-one tutoring for adults is provided by trained volunteers. Topics include reading, writing, math, and English-language skills. Tutors can also help learners prepare for the driver's license and citizenship tests. The average tutoring schedule is an hour and half, once a week.
Fill out the request form to get started, or call (812) 349-3173 or email vital [at] mcpl.info to request an appointment. Initial appointments are 45 minutes and include a skills assessment, learning preferences, and goal setting.
Learners will be matched with a tutor based on their mutual availability and learning preferences. A waitlist may apply.
VITAL learners agree to:
- Meet in a public location (not a private residence)
- Schedule and keep weekly tutoring sessions
- Contact their tutor in advance if they must cancel
- Set goals and work towards them (a 6-month time commitment is suggested)
- Be prepared for sessions with completed homework
Must be at least 18 years old to participate. IU students and visiting scholars are not eligible for tutoring, but are welcome to attend English language groups.
If you are interested in volunteering with VITAL, please visit Volunteer Resources for more information.