The Active Reader provides balanced, integrated instruction for beginning readers. This reading workbook provides the foundational skills for adolescents and adults who are beginning readers. Find all six books in the series here.
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Adult Basic Literacy
This eight-level program is ideal for adult learners from beginning reading through to preparing for the GED. The Challenger method focuses phonics, controlled vocabulary, and sequential skill development. Find all eight books in the series here.
130 reproducible lessons individually aligned to the CCSS—each lesson contains a discrete alignment at the bottom of the page, a scope and sequence chart, and an answer key. Find Levels 3–8 here.
The Journey to Success series builds adult learners' skills in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing. The easy-to-follow lessons feature a variety of contextualized nonfiction and fiction reading passages. Find the Journey to Success Level 2 teacher's guide here.
The reading in context lessons (16 in each work text) feature a two-page reading selection followed by four pages of correlated exercises.
Content includes lessons on elements of fiction, novels, short stories, and narrative poetry.
Combat functional illiteracy with real-life materials such as ads, signs, schedules, contracts, and applications in ready-to-reproduce form. The new second edition deals with everyday issues from finding a job to dealing with the government.
This handbook uses illustrations and easy-to-read text to explain how students can become better readers. Students will also learn about the factors that contribute to reading difficulties.
Content includes lessons on biographies and autobiographies, science and technology, history and geography, and historical speeches.
Real-World Reading 1 offers strategies for reading various types of print materials found in the real world.
A four-stage program that utilizes contemporary content and instructional approaches to teach the reading, writing, critical thinking, and communication skills that adults need in today's world.
This go-to guide for adult literacy tutors and teachers offers essential background on characteristics of adult learners and advice on how to meet the diverse needs of learners.
The primary focus of this manual is dedicated to describing instructional activities, many of which are geared towards educators who work in a one-to-one tutoring situation, however, the activities can be modified for classroom instruction.
This is an essential resource for new tutors who want to be successful and effective teachers for adult learners.