A bear is a friend. A fellow mischief maker, a protector, and a dreamer. Until it’s time to say goodbye….and hello again! Recommended for ages 4–8.
Published on Monroe County Public Library, Indiana - mcpl.info (https://mcpl.info)
Predictable Books
Lili loves to cook dumplings with her grandmother, but when they need cabbage, she must race up and down the stairs of the building to find some, and help the other grandmothers borrow ingredients for different dumplings. Recommended for ages 4–8.
One child. One swing. One obliging Dad. A plea to go higher leads to new heights - how high? A mountain? The sky? Very few words captures the glee of being pushed on a swing. Recommended for ages 2–3.
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Children see a variety of animals, each one a different color, and a teacher looking at them. Recommended for ages 1–5.
Various animals tell how they saw, fed, sang to, tickled, and kissed the new duckling. Recommended for ages birth–3.
Three owl babies whose mother has gone out in the night try to stay calm. Recommended for ages 1–4.
Describes how various animals walk, from the wiggle waggle of a duck to the boing, boing, boing of a kangaroo. Recommended for ages birth–3.