accessible in IndianaINSPIRE offers full-text magazine and journal articles, websites, pamphlets, images, almanacs, full-text historic newspapers, multimedia, library catalogs and much more. In most cases, INSPIRE provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts of all articles that appear in every periodical with the exception of some newspapers. Only letters to the editor, advertisements, and some images are excluded for copyright reasons. INSPIRE is available to every Indiana resident. No library card is required.


Reasons to Use INSPIRE

  • Consumer Reports
  • ACT, SAT, ASVAB, TOEFL, and more preparation and practice tests
  • Health and medicine journals, including full-text Medline
  • Current and historical newspaper articles
  • Beginning language instruction courses
  • Short story play, and film & television indexes
  • Business and career resources
  • Student research for K–12
  • Indiana history
  • Search within publications
  • In-depth biographies
  • Government and military news & information


INSPIRE Includes

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