Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down

Read about the momentous Woolworth's lunch counter sit-in, when four college students staged a peaceful protest for racial equality and the growing civil rights movement. Recommended for ages 6–9.

Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down

Andrea Davis Pinkney
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 323.1196 Pin)

Read about the momentous Woolworth's lunch counter sit-in, when four college students staged a peaceful protest for racial equality and the growing civil rights movement. Recommended for ages 6–9.

We Are Power: How Nonviolent Activism Changes the World

In an age when armies are stronger than ever before––when guns seem to be everywhere––how can people confront their adversaries without resorting to violence themselves? Recommended for ages 8–12.

We Are Power: How Nonviolent Activism Changes the World

Todd Hasak-Lowy
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 303.61 Has)

In an age when armies are stronger than ever before––when guns seem to be everywhere––how can people confront their adversaries without resorting to violence themselves? Recommended for ages 8–12.

Black Lives Matter: From Hashtag to the Streets

Black Lives Matter has become one of the most significant protest movements of our time and depicts the continuing struggle of the civil rights movement. Recommended for ages 8-12.

Black Lives Matter: From Hashtag to the Streets

Dr. Artika R. Tyner
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 323.1196 Tyn)

Black Lives Matter has become one of the most significant protest movements of our time and depicts the continuing struggle of the civil rights movement. Recommended for ages 8-12.

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Discusses the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. Recommended for ages 8-12.

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

David Aretha
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 975.3041 Are)
Series: The Story of the Civil Rights Movement in Photographs

Discusses the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. Recommended for ages 8-12.

Marching for Freedom: Walk Together, Children, and Don't You Grow Weary

This book focuses on the children who faced terrifying violence in order to walk alongside Martin Luther King Jr. in their fight for freedom and the right to vote. Recommended for ages 8-12.

Marching for Freedom: Walk Together, Children, and Don't You Grow Weary

Elizabeth Partridge
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 323.1196 Par)

This book focuses on the children who faced terrifying violence in order to walk alongside Martin Luther King Jr. in their fight for freedom and the right to vote. Recommended for ages 8-12.

The Teachers March! How Selma's Teachers Changed History

Could the teacher and principal, Reverend F.D. Reese, convince his teachers to risk their jobs—and perhaps their lives—by organizing a march to demand their right to vote? Recommended for ages 6–9.

The Teachers March! How Selma's Teachers Changed History

Sandra Neil Wallace
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 323.1196 Wal)

Could the teacher and principal, Reverend F.D. Reese, convince his teachers to risk their jobs—and perhaps their lives—by organizing a march to demand their right to vote? Recommended for ages 6–9.

Freedom Song: Young Voices and the Struggle for Civil Rights

Demonstrates how different songs in history have served as a unifying voice of the people during the Civil Rights Movement, including "Lift Every Voice and Sing" and "We Shall Overcome." Recommended for ages 8-12.

Freedom Song: Young Voices and the Struggle for Civil Rights

Mary C. Turck
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 782.421592 Tur)

Demonstrates how different songs in history have served as a unifying voice of the people during the Civil Rights Movement, including "Lift Every Voice and Sing" and "We Shall Overcome." Recommended for ages 8-12.

Lifting As We Climb: Black Women's Battle for the Ballot Box

The story of Black women as a force in the suffrage movement--when fellow suffragists did not accept them as equal partners in the struggle. Recommended for ages 8-12+

Lifting As We Climb: Black Women's Battle for the Ballot Box

Evette Dionne
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 323. 34 Dio)

The story of Black women as a force in the suffrage movement--when fellow suffragists did not accept them as equal partners in the struggle. Recommended for ages 8-12+

Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice

Presents the life of the Alabama teenager who played an integral but little-known role in the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955–1956. Recommended for ages 8–12.

Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice

Phillip Hoose
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 921 Colvin Hoo)

Presents the life of the Alabama teenager who played an integral but little-known role in the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955–1956. Recommended for ages 8–12.

Because of You, John Lewis

10 year old activist, Tybre Faw, is determined to meet John Lewis after learning of his march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in the fight for the right to vote. Soon after, his two grandmothers drive him to Selma, Alabama to meet John Lewis himself, and that begins a beautiful friendship between the two! For ages 4-8.

Because of You, John Lewis

Andrea Davis Pinkney
(Juvenile Nonfiction – J 323.1196 Pin)

10 year old activist, Tybre Faw, is determined to meet John Lewis after learning of his march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in the fight for the right to vote. Soon after, his two grandmothers drive him to Selma, Alabama to meet John Lewis himself, and that begins a beautiful friendship between the two! For ages 4-8.
