The Nonprofit Alliance of Monroe County (NPA) is a collective of partner organizations that aims to strengthen the nonprofit sector through networking, collaboration, professional development, and outreach. Gradually developed from an initial effort by the United Way around 2010 to focus attention on issues that nonprofits face in the Indiana Legislature, the NPA evolved just a few years later into the Training, Outreach, and Networking Committee (TON). In 2013, the Monroe County Public Library (MCPL) launched the Nonprofit Central Resource Center to provide resources that address the unique needs and characteristics of Monroe County nonprofits. For many years, the NPA held numerous nonprofit training events each year, but the advent of online training opportunities reduced that need. Today, the NPA focuses on outreach, development, and networking.
The NPA now includes the MCPL, the City of Bloomington, United Way of South Central Indiana, and the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County. Representatives from these organizations and others nurture nonprofits in our community. The NPA has no budget or annual funds to operate independently. One way the NPA supports organizations is by holding two monthly meetings for nonprofit professionals and volunteers. These meetings, held at local restaurants, provide a space to share best practices, challenges, and solutions.

NPA Monthly Outreach Breakfast
Each month, those working in outreach and advocacy positions at Monroe County nonprofits meet for a monthly NPA Outreach Breakfast, which began in 2015. These meetings are self-facilitated by NPA members who select topics, initiate discussions, and share resources. Upcoming topics include “Strategies for Successful Grant Writing and Reporting,” and “Building Bridges among Businesses and Nonprofit Sectors.” This meeting is co-led and coordinated by MCPL and City of Bloomington staff, and will celebrate its 10-year anniversary in March 2025.

NPA Monthly Development Group
A monthly breakfast meeting has also been held for development staff from area nonprofits since 2010, hosted by staff from the Community Foundation. This meeting is limited to only those whose primary work involves development and fundraising. It provides open forum discussions of best practices, idea sharing, and networking.

Nonprofit Central Resource Center
The Nonprofit Central Resource Center at the MCPL was launched in 2013 through a grant from the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County. The Library created Nonprofit Central to serve the information needs of Monroe County nonprofits. One-on-one consultations are offered to help users access and search the Foundation Directory grantseeking database, as well as find other resources related to all aspects of nonprofit management and governance. The Library also collaborates with the NPA to offer professional development opportunities throughout the year. Additionally, the Library provides access to reservable meeting room spaces, printing services, and our Level Up Digital Creativity Center where patrons can create professional audiovisual marketing materials, making it an essential resource for existing and startup nonprofit organizations.
The NPA hosts two annual events at the MCPL in collaboration with its Nonprofit Central Resource Center: Meet the Media, held in February, gives nonprofits the chance to pitch stories to local news media and learn what reporters are looking for. Meet the Funders, held in October, brings local funders and grantmakers together with nonprofit fundraisers and grant writers to make connections, share ideas, and discuss the funding process.
Nonprofit organization members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings and events, and use the newsletter for important announcements and information. The NPA’s monthly newsletter showcases Monroe County nonprofit news and resources. The newsletter serves as a noticeboard for nonprofit events, grant opportunities, and employment listings. The NPA is a resource for all of those connected to the nonprofit sector in the Monroe County community.
For more information about the Nonprofit Alliance, visit; about Nonprofit Central and other Library services, please contact the Nonprofit Central Librarian.
Next Nonprofit Central program: An Introduction to Writing Grant Proposals, Wed. July 17, 11am-12pm, Registration required
Jack Kovaleski, Nonprofit Central Librarian, Monroe County Public Library
Loraine Martin, Administration Assistant Manager, Monroe County Public Library
Michael Shermis, Human Rights Director, ADA and Special Projects Coordinator, City of Bloomington
Annabelle Vosmeier, Human Rights Commission Assistant, City of Bloomington