In a new genre that has taken the world by storm, the YA stories on this list combine both fantasy and romance themes.
Find information about LGBTQIA+ history, identities, experiences, and more on this booklist.
This list is for those seeking information on real life, fun hobby inspiration, and more!
Stories on this list cover current events, struggles, joys, and lived experiences in many forms. These books often grapple with the themes of identity, belonging, friendship, and courage in the face of modern challenges. Check out these stories if you are looking for a window into a different experience or a mirror to reflect your own.
Celebrate Arab American Heritage Month by reading young adult books written by contemporary Arab American YA authors!
Want to escape your world with the help of a little magic? We have several Magical Realism fiction titles that will help you do just that!
Check out The Ground Floor Staff's favorite books from 2023! Discover the best books, graphic novels, and manga that we read this year.
A list of books and graphic novels that portray and celebrate teen characters with disabilities.
If you’re looking for ideas for your next RPG, board game, or video game, check out these titles! Need some equipment to get started? Check out one of our Role-Playing Game Kits.
Books to help you start designing both video games and tabletop games!
Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by reading young adult books written by contemporary YA authors!
Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by reading books by contemporary Hispanic authors!
A list of books to help put current events into perspective, provide a window into another person’s experience, and help confront white privilege. Many items on the list have a digital and physical format.
Crack open one of these magical tomes to enjoy some chilling adventures starring witches!
Read stories of displaced people fleeing their homeland to find safety and a better way of life. This list includes both true and fictionalized experiences from across the globe.