Every day is a celebration of reading at the Library! But Día (or  El día de los niños, El día de los libros) is an extra special celebration.

Día highlights the importance of literacy for children from all backgrounds—especially children who speak different languages or come from different cultural backgrounds. You can find plenty of books in Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, and many other languages at the Library.

Celebrate diverse stories with recommendations from Children's Librarians at the Downtown Library, Ellettsville Branch, and the Bookmobile. Read what they have to say about some of their favorite books to share with others:


Stephanie says:

"This wordless picture book, The Boy and the Book by David Michael Slater, is about a boy who mistreats a book because he is frustrated that he cannot read the words yet.

I love sharing wordless books with pre-readers and patrons who are English as a Second Language speakers. Using the pictures anyone can ‘read’ these books and they can be found under the subject heading 'Stories without words'."



Christina says:

"Pete Seeger's book, The Deaf Musicians, is a gentle story about a musician who loses his ability to hear. The musician connects with the deaf community and soon meets people who share his interest in music. This book creates a wonderful insight into how a person can transform a crisis into an opportunity to grow."



Alex says:

"Bravo! is a wonderful poetry book that pairs Rafael López’s beautiful jewel-tone portraits with Margarita Engle’s informative biographical poems about hidden Hispanic figures. My favorite poem is about New York Public Library’s first Puerto Rican librarian, Pura Belpré. To me, Pura embodies what Día is all about!"



Polly says:

"I like Stella’s Starliner by Rosemary Wells because it’s a kid’s perspective on life in a silver home on wheels, with not a lot of money and not a lot of stuff. There is lots of love from Mom and Dad, cool secret hiding places, weekend pancakes and it even has a bookmobile stop close by. Sometimes others don’t understand what could be so great about a home so small, but Stella’s story can give you a peek."



Ellen says:

"I feel super-heroic when I recommend picture books by Todd Parr! He's a great choice for parents looking for diverse books with positive messages for preschoolers."