Queer Zine Archive Project

In honor of Pride month, the Library is highlighting QZAP, a huge, free, queer zine collection available online! QZAP (The Queer Zine Archive Project) exists to catalog and preserve the history of queer zines. The Library has showcased just a few of QZAP's zines below. Make sure to check out QZAP's archive for many, many more zines––all available virtually!

Fort Mortgage

Fort Mortgage

Buying and finding your first home may be intimidating, but this Chicago-based zine helps readers using the writer's first-hand experience.


Growing Pains

Growing Pains

This zine is written by Sarah Kennedy, a punk woman who was involved with riot grrrl, on her life, privileges, and background, in relation to her work and who she is now. It includes an essay by Erika Reinstein defending riot grrrl culture and calling for allyship between zinesters.


From Sheytls to Yarmulkes

From Sheytls to Yarmulkes

As stated within, “This zine is about the unique experiences of transgender Jews, examined through personal narratives that explore the idea of gender and sexuality among different sects of Judaism."


A Quick Guide to Transgender Health Care Information in Davis, CA

A Quick Guide to Transgender Healthcare Information

Based in Davis, CA, this zine provides an overview of queer terminology, library call numbers and subject searches, websites, books, and articles on transgender healthcare.


Empty Orchestra #1

Empty Orchestra #1

A fun and quirky guide to one girl’s love for karaoke bars, and her reviews of such bars around the US.


Our Library Crushes

Our Library Crushes

A personal favorite, this mini-zine is full of cute and awesome librarians!


How We Kiss: privilege on the dance floor

How We Kiss: privilege on the dance floor

Highlighting the difference between cis-gendered and queer spaces, this zine makes clear boundaries for showing empathy and providing safe places for different communities.