The 2021 Library Journal (LJ) Index of Public Library Service, a national rating system that measures library service relative to peer libraries, named Monroe County Public Library a Three-Star Library! MCPL was one of just five Indiana libraries to receive a star designation.
“We are excited to be among peers that share our deep commitment to serving all of our community,” said Marilyn Wood, Library Director. “Not only does this highlight our distinction among Indiana libraries but also on a national level related to the level of service delivery we provide.”
5,608 U.S. public libraries qualified to be rated, with just 262 receiving designations, putting us in the top 5% of qualifying libraries!
The Criteria
Index scores are based on statistics compiled by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in the following areas:
- Library visits
- Total circulation
- Circulation of electronic materials
- Retrievals of electronic information
- Public internet computer use
- WiFi sessions
- Program attendance
Community Input
Analysis of the statistics used in the LJ Index is just one way to assess service. We will continue to communicate directly with our patrons and stakeholders to identify the best ways to serve everyone in our community. You can learn more about our future plans in our strategic direction report.
While we are thrilled to be named a Star Library, the patron comments we regularly receive from our community are also gratifying.
“The Monroe County Public Library is the most value-creating asset our community has,” shared patron Peter. “It is a magnet drawing in people of all walks, interests, and intellects to a center for information and exchange. The staff is an incredible resource of how to find and put to use all of the library's assets.”
Is MCPL your star library? Share your Library story!