image of Indiana

Indiana’s state government is overseen by the Governor. There also are a number of elected officials who oversee various state agencies, such as the Education Department. Its representative body is called the Indiana General Assembly, composed of the Indiana State Senate and the Indiana House of Representatives (not to be confused with the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives). There are 50 Indiana State Senators and 100 Indiana State Representatives.

The Indiana General Assembly includes information about current bills and resolutions, the current state constitution, laws including state code, committees, and reports.


Senators and Representatives

Senators and Representatives are charged with deciding which stand to take on various legislation and issues based on your needs and opinions. You can find your state senators and representatives (along with their contact information) on the Indiana General Assembly site or view a list of current legislators.

State Officials

Elected State Officials

Indiana State Senators

  • District 40: Bean Blossom, Benton, Bloomington, Perry, Richland, Salt Creek, Van Buren, and Washington townships.
    • Shelli Yoder
    • Phone Number: 800-382-9467
    • Email: s40 [at]
  • District 44: Clear Creek, Indian Creek, and Polk townships.
    • Eric Koch
    • Phone Number: 800-382-9467
    • Email: senator.koch [at]

Indiana State Representatives

  • District 46: Bean Blossom and Richland townships.
    • Bob Heaton
    • Phone Number: 800-382-9841
    • Email: h46 [at]
  • District 60: Benton, Salt Creek, and Washington townships and Bloomington township precinct 12 and Perry township precincts 17-23, 26, and 28.
    • Peggy Mayfield
    • Phone Number: 800-382-9841
    • Email: h60 [at]
  • District 61: Bloomington township precincts 1-11 and 13-24, and Perry township precincts 1-3, 6-9, 14-16, and 19-32.
    • Matt Pierce
    • Phone Number: 800-382-9842
    • Email: h61 [at]
  • District 62: Perry township precincts 4, 5, 10-13, 24-25 and 27, and Van Buren Township.
    • Jeff Ellington
    • Phone Number: 800-382-9841
    • Email: h62 [at]
  • District 65: Clear Creek and Polk townships.
    • Chris May
    • Phone Number: 800-382-9841
    • Email: h65 [at]


Indiana State Government

Indiana State Agencies
An alphabetical list of all state agencies that can be searched or filtered by category.

Indiana Courts
Provides a citizens guide to Indiana Courts system.

The Indiana Coalition for Open Government
The ICOG is an organization that stands for open access to knowledge about public rights and laws

Indiana Tax Transparency Portal
Informational guide to learning more about the ways Indiana uses money from taxes.

Indiana State Library, Indiana Collection
This Indiana Collection is the State Library’s guide to all of their material related to Indiana. Includes links to Indiana government documents, state and county maps, a research guide to Indiana government officials, and so much more!

Indiana 211
Indiana 211 is a free and confidential hotline that helps find local Indiana services.