Nonprofit hero : five easy steps to successful board fundraising

Valerie Jones
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Nonprofit Hero is written by Valerie Jones, who has raised more than $175 million for nonprofits and coached thousands of people to authentically and successfully ask for the causes they care about. She's addressed more than 50 audiences from Baltimore to Beijing and is one of fewer than 10,000 Certified Fund-Raising Executives (CFREs) worldwide. In addition to running her boutique consulting firm, Valerie M. Jones Associates (VMJA), shes volunteered extensively, serving nonprofits as president, chair, board member, and committee member.Her method works. Trained boards report increased comfort and willingness to ask. Many indicate they are prepared to ask for bigger gifts, can identify more prospective donors, and intend to contact these prospects sooner. Her book, Nonprofit Hero, contains stories, tools, and exercises not included in trainings.

Grant Writing and Fundraising

  • Wish Granted! Tips, Tools and Templates to Write a Winning Grant

  • From the Ground Up : Digital Fundraising for Nonprofits

  • Funded! : Successful Grantwriting for Your Nonprofit

  • The Grant Writing and Funding Coach : Target and Acquire the Funds You Need : How Individuals, Non-profits, Local Governments and Community Organizations Build Bridges with Funders

  • Nonprofit hero : five easy steps to successful board fundraising

  • Fundraising 401: masterclasses in nonprofit fundraising that would make Peter Drucker proud

  • It's Not Just About the Money

  • No More "Duct Tape Fundraising" : a Nonprofit Leaders Guide to Raising More Money

  • The Only Grant-writing Book You'll Ever Need