This list has book titles for all ages that provide information about menstruation.
We're taught not to discuss periods in public. Society doesn't celebrate the menstrual cycle. Even saying the word "period" is a bit taboo, but the truth is, it can be bloody hard to live in a body that bleeds once a month. Claire Baker, your friendly neighbourhood period coach, is here to guide you through her top 50 pieces of advice to help you harness the power of the period and learn to live in sync with your cycle. Join the menstruation conversation and see "the curse" as the superpower it can be.
Period positivity starts with asking questions. This informative, irreverent, and absorbing book covers all your period-related questions—why they're taboo (and needn't be) and how to navigate the whole bleeding thing, from first periods to fertility, euphemisms to uteruses, and menstrual products to menopause. Period Positive movement founder and menstrual researcher Chella Quint's answers are frank, funny, and fascinating.
Let's Talk About Down There is like the health class you wish you had—think evidence-based, myth-busting sex ed where shame gets tossed out the window—in a format that's as approachable as a 15-second video. Addressing topics such as hormones, menstrual cups, and birth control, all with the help of infographics and illustrations, this succinct, vibrant handbook answers the questions that you may have been too embarrassed to ask, so you'll be empowered to make more informed health choices and truly care for yourself.
Explore the subject of menstruation, from toxic historic and religious roots to how young activists are challenging the silence and shame that can erode self-esteem and even threaten lives.
In this collection, writers of various ages and across racial, cultural, and gender identities share stories about the period. Each of our 12 authors brings an individual perspective and sensibility; they write about homeless periods, nonexistent periods, male periods, political periods, and more. Told with warmth and humor, these essays celebrate all kinds of period experiences.
After centuries of being shrouded in taboo and superstition, periods have gone mainstream. Seemingly overnight, a new, high-profile movement has emerged—one dedicated to bold activism, creative product innovation, and smart policy advocacy—to address the centrality of menstruation in relation to core issues of gender equality and equity. In Periods Gone Public, Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, the woman Bustle dubbed one of the nation's "badass menstrual activists," explores why periods have become a prominent political cause. From eliminating the tampon tax, to enacting new laws ensuring access to affordable, safe products, menstruation is no longer something to whisper about.
Promoting the fact that everyone either has periods or knows someone who does, the book reduces the anxiety girls face in asking for help. It offers direct advice on what periods look and feel like and how to manage hygiene and pain. It also breaks up information using flaps and step-by-step photos of how to change pads and tampons, discusses alternatives to tampons and pads, and gives information about possible sensory issues for people with autism.
This guide helps young girls understand and embrace the changes they may be experiencing in their bodies, minds, and emotions. It will help them become an expert on everything from pimples to peer pressure—and help them discover how their changing bodies are beautiful and unique.
Getting your period can be exciting...and also a bit nerve-wracking. Help calm fears and answer questions with Celebrate Your Period, a comprehensive guide that demystifies all things menstruation-related.
Sophomores Abby, Brit, Christine, and Sasha are fed up. Hazelton High never has enough tampons. Or pads. Or adults who will listen. Sick of an administration that puts football before female health, the girls confront a world that shrugs—or worse, squirms—at the thought of a menstruation revolution. They band together to make a change.
HelloFlo founder Naama Bloom’s mission is to create informed, empowered young women who are unafraid to ask questions and make the best choices for themselves and their bodies. This is a celebration of women's bodies and all the confusing, uncomfortable, silly, transformative, and powerful changes that occur during puberty.
Have you always wondered what menstruation is, why it causes terrible cramps, or why it makes you want to do nothing but eat chocolate and watch cute cat videos? Have you been shocked that it's taboo to talk about something that half the world's population goes through every month? And above all, have you been looking for the best snarky response to the question "Are you on your period, or what?" Whether you're expecting your first period, have already gotten it, or know someone close to you who's just begun the torment, this funny and informative book will tell you everything you need to know.
Throughout history, periods have been taboo. They're "embarrassing." They're "gross." And due to a crumbling or nonexistent national sex-ed program, they are misunderstood. And because of these stigmas, a status quo has been established to exclude people who menstruate from a seat at the decision-making table, which leads to discrimination like the tampon tax and medications that favor male biology. Period Power explains who is hurt most by the status quo and gives us a strategy to prompt conversation and promote gender equality. Now.
Get the whole picture with this honest, humorous, and empowering survival guide to the tween years. It's packed with straighforward illustrations, easy-to-understand scientific information, interesting studies, and tips from experts, covering everything from breast development and gender identity to menstruation and mental health.
This inclusive, unapologetic, and humorous guide to menstruation quashes stigmas and provides us with the latest research and information on periods.
Whether it spurs silence or celebration, whether the subjects are well prepared or totally in the dark, the young people in these 16 stories find that getting a period not only brings change to their bodies, it also brings joy, sorrow, self-discovery, and yes, sometimes even gifts.
Celebrate Your Body is your guide to understanding and loving your body—now and as it continues to change. Here's everything you need to know about breasts and bras, your period, hair here and there, feelings and friends, and so much more. You'll find support and encouragement in these pages that will help you navigate this whole puberty thing. Think of this book as your new best friend that will help you learn about—and celebrate—your amazing, changing, and one-of-a-kind body!
Information and anecdotes about puberty for girls. A body-positive illustrated book that helps girls (ages 9–14) understand what to expect about puberty and everything that goes with it.
12-year-old Tahlia Wilkins has to deal with getting her first period just before the biggest pool party of the year.
This fact-filled guide to periods answers all your essential questions like "What's a vulva?" "What do periods actually feel like?" and "What happens if blood stains your clothes?"
Getting your period for the first time can be mortifying, weird and messy—and asking questions about it can be even worse. Packed with honest advice on managing Aunt Flo like a boss, this book will induct pre-teens into the secret society of menstruation—from demystifying what cramps feel like, to whether you can feel it coming out, to what you should do if your pad leaks onto your dress. With Yumi's sisterly wisdom and Dr. Kang's medical advice, case studies, first-person accounts, and questions from real teens, this book for pre-teens (ages 9–12) is guaranteed to make you feel special about getting your period.