At the basic level, you'll learn grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and usage while developing sentences. At the intermediate and advanced level, you'll progress from organizing a draft through proof reading and editing to the final revision. You'll also gain an understanding of different writing types, including narrative, persuasive, informative, and opinion.

10 Essential Writing Lessons: A Mentor Teacher Shares Classroom-tested Strategies and More than 40 Mini-lessons that Help Students Become Skillful Writers, and Meet the Common Core Standards

Megan Sloan
VITAL 372.6 Slo

This teaching manual contains writing lessons for creating a writer's notebook and writing for purpose, including topics like narrative structure, information pieces, literary essays, research reports, and poetry. Includes appendices for assessment, graphic organizers for planning various writing topics, recording evidence and character traits, and keeping research notes (Advanced level).

The Amazing Story Generator: Mix-and-Match Creative Writing Prompts
VITAL 808.3 Ama

These pages are split into thirds, allowing three story elements—setting, character, and conflict—to be selected independently or randomly for creative writing ideas.  

Beginning Writing

Saddleback Educational Publishing
VITAL 372.6 Beg

This two-book series introduces various writing topics, including parts of speech, developing sentences and paragraphs, practical writing, creative writing, proofreading, and more—along with answer keys (Beginning and Intermediate levels). Book and CD.

Building Writing Skills

Noreen Conte
VITAL 372.623 Con

Learn the five-step process of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. This process is used for narrative, persuasive, informative, and opinion writing activities. Series includes two levels (Grades 3–5 and 6–7).

Don't Forget to Write for the Secondary Grades: 50 Enthralling and Effective Writing Lessons (Ages 11 and Up)
VITAL 808.042 Don

This two-book series (for elementary and secondary grades) offers complete writing lesson plans, employing graphic organizers, questionnaires, and a variety of stimuli to encourage imaginative writing, with self-assessment forms (Intermediate and Advanced levels).

Language Builder

McGraw-Hill Companies
- Publisher
VITAL 808.42 Lan

This four-book series offers four-page lessons with instruction and practice in grammar usage, sentence formation, paragraph development, writing conventions, and more (Introductory to Advanced level).

Longman Academic Writing Series 1: Sentences to Paragraphs

Linda Butler
VITAL 808.042 But

The Longman Academic Writing Series helps English language students master the writing skills needed to succeed in their academic careers. The five-level series spans writing topics from composing sentences to writing research papers. Each level covers the complete writing process from pre-writing to revision.

Painless Writing

Jeffrey Strausser
VITAL 808.042 Str

These short articles teach writers to express themselves more clearly, avoid passive voice, and create more interesting writings. Also comes with short quizzes (Advanced level).

Real-World Writing

Bonnye Wier Cavazos
VITAL 808.042 Cav

This two-book series offers lesson plans and exercises using real-life style materials, including: ads, email, schedules, calendars, reports, and contracts, with banking, employment, and application forms to teach writing skills. Includes instruction for various types of letter writing with suggested extension activities and unit assessments (Intermediate level).

Reflect Reading and Writing
VITAL 428.24 Ref

Provides relatable, student-centered content combined with essential academic skill instruction. As students interact with the engaging content, they not only master English, but also navigate their place in the world. Reflect builds students' confidence and helps them achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals. A clear framework of academic and critical thinking skills prepares students for future reading and writing success. Find online resources related to the series

Rip the Page!: Adventures in Creative Writing

Karen Benke.
VITAL 808.042 Ben

These exercises and ideas are designed to inspire creative writing. Includes an index for definitions, story starters, word lists, and tips (Intermediate level).

Success in Writing: Grammar Skills for Writers
VITAL 808 Suc

Part of five-book series, including Writing to Describe, Writing to Explain, Writing to Persuade, Writing to Tell a Story, and Grammar Skill for Writers. These titles present a variety of writing exercises to improve mechanics of writing, includig grammar, parts of speech, sentence structure, revising, and editing. Also includes glossaries (Intermediate to Advanced level).

Teaching Evidence-Based Writing. Nonfiction: Texts and Lessons for Spot-On Writing About Reading, with 100 Best-the-Test Tips

Leslie Blauman.
VITAL 372.6 Bla

Two book series on using fiction and non-fiction, offers instructional techniques, ready to use lessons, primary document examples, graphic organizers, and access to online teaching videos to teach: evidence, relationships, themes, main idea, writer's point of view and purpose, illustration use, as well as composition structure (Intermediate to Advanced level).

Unjournaling : Daily Writing Challenges That Are Not Introspective, Not Personal, Not Boring

Dawn DiPrince
VITAL 428.34 Cam

These 200 writing exercises range from the simple to challenging, and are sometimes silly, but always interesting (Intermediate to Advanced level).

Write Now & Write On, Grades 6-12: 37 Strategies for Authentic Daily Writing in Every Content Area

Rebecca G. Harper
VITAL 372.623 Har

Your students may not realize it, but they're already writers. All those informal text messages, Instagram captions, and Facebook posts have given them skills they can use as a springboard to the formal, content-specific writing they'll need for success in school, college, and careers. The key, of course, is practice-plus a little guidance from you. And you'll be ready, no matter what subject you teach, because this essential reference is packed with relevant, contemporary teaching strategies that are easily customizable to work across content areas.

Writers Read Better: Narrative

Maria Colleen Cruz
VITAL 808.042 Cru

This two-book series (narrative and non-fiction titles) each offers 50 paired writing and reading lessons, including: generating ideas anf stories, drafting, plotting, revising for meaning and clarity, understanding purpose, interpreting, analyzing, critique and preparing for publication (Advanced level).

The Writing Prompts Workbook, Grades 9-10: Story Starters for Journals, Assignments and More

Bryan Cohen
VITAL 808.4 Coh

This workbook presents story starters for inspiring creativity and imagination with situations and questions that inspire (Intermediate to Advanced level).

Writing Skills Curriculum Library

Jack Umstatter
VITAL 808.042 Ums

Practice and reinforce skills with this series of six sequential units, including writing sentences, paragraphs, and outlines, along with organization and revision (Intermediate and Advanced levels).