Rosetta Stone

access anywhereA language-learning resource offered in 30 world languages and broken down into 10-minute bite-sized lessons focusing on speaking and pronunciation. The Library's level one beginner access includes lessons in four categories–language basics, greetings and introductions, work and school, and shopping.

Credo Reference

accessible with library cardCredo Reference is an easy-to-use tool for research projects and homework. Search in hundreds of encyclopedias, general and bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and atlases, plus a wide range of subject-specific titles, as well as images, audio files, animations, videos, and much more.

Libby from OverDrive

accessible with library cardThousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines, and videos on your computer or mobile device. Borrow up to 10 titles at once. Titles for kids and other guided collections are available on the site and in the app.

Reference Solutions

accessible with library cardReferenceUSA is now Reference Solutions and still offers detailed information on more than 24 million U.S. businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and churches. In addition, the residential database includes 89 million U.S. households.
