Nine Tips to Break Your Reading Slump

It happens to all of us at one time or another, your Library staff included! No matter how much you love to read, or how invested in a series or author you may be, there comes a time when nothing is appealing to you. You start and stop the same book over and over. You check out materials and return them because they just aren’t keeping your attention. You find yourself staring at the shelves without really knowing what you’re looking for, but the last few books you’ve tried just aren’t working out. We polled MCPL staff and found some tried and true ways to break that reading slump!

Read in a different genre
Sometimes, changing up a genre is the fastest way to get out of a slump. If you usually read nonfiction, try grabbing a novel to stimulate your imagination. Love romance? Add some historical romance. Play around with genres and explore something new!

Read in a different format
Maybe you read on your device usually and you’re just tired of staring at the screen. Pick a different format than you usually do to read! Try a playaway or an eAudiobook. Pick up a graphic novel adaptation of a book you’re reading. (This may be how a handful of MCPL staff get through some of the classics.)

Read a novella or short story
Reading a short story is a low commitment with the potential for a big reward. You can try a new genre, a new author, or a new format with low commitment. If this sounds interesting, we have a book club that specializes in short books—the Short Attention Span Book Club!

Start a buddy read 
If you need the accountability, find a friend and read together! Join a book club here at the Library or in our community to have someone to talk about the kind of books you love. You can also create your own book club with one of our book club kits.

Change your environment
Go for a walk around the lake while listening to an eAudiobook, take a book and your lunch to a local park, or read in your favorite local cafe. Sometimes, just reading somewhere new is a huge step toward breaking the slump.

Browse book displays and curated booklists
These are curated lists that are created to celebrate the month, a new hobby, and more. Check out our Staff Picks for new material every month.

Use NovelistPlus through MCPL
NovelistPlus is a great, easy resource. Plug in what you’re looking for—or one of your recent favorites—and get a list of similar authors and titles. 

Ask a librarian
Our librarians love to give recommendations based on the books you love (or the books you don’t love so much). If you don’t want to talk to someone in-person, you can use the Library chat function or fill out our Personalized Recommendations form.

Remember: there's no pressure
It’s okay to be in a reading slump—everyone goes through it at some point! Sometimes, taking the pressure off yourself can be all it takes to get you reading again!