Accessibility, civil discourse, inclusiveness, integrity, intellectual freedom, lifelong learning, literacy, respect, safety, service, and stewardship.
These values are all central to the Library’s mission to strengthen the Monroe County community and enrich lives by providing equitable access to information and opportunities to read, learn, connect, and create. From new programs and collections to new branches, these core values guide the way.
The Library reaffirms its commitment to these core values in a new ongoing blog series, Finding Value. Tune in as Library staff review books and movies that highlight Library values here on the blog.
The local and national challenges of 2020 have only emphasized the importance of these values. As the Library adapts to new ways of service during a pandemic, its focus is on safety, accessibility, and stewardship. As the Library provides resources and information to address systemic racism and the Black Lives Matter movement, inclusiveness, civil discourse, and respect are front and center.
The Library hopes you enjoy the opportunity to connect with the new books and movies featured in Finding Value. May they enrich your world and open windows to the experiences of others.
Read Finding Value Reviews
Additionally, the Library invites you to take a brief survey to inform its strategic roadmap for 2021–23. Your input has always been a vital part of this process, informing that the Library is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive place for the community to read, learn, connect, and create. Your response will guide the Library’s decisions on a variety of topics, including values, technology, programs, partnerships, and materials.