The Community Organizations database provides information about Monroe County nonprofits and groups.


Writing - Community Organizations

Click on the title of the organization to view upcoming meetings at the library and links to similar organizations.

Women Writing for (a) Change


The Bloomington affiliate of Women Writing for (a) Change is an emerging school which supports the lives of women for whom writing is, or is becoming, an important creative and spiritual practice. The mission of the school has always been to create a healthy, creatively-charged writing community that celebrates the voices of women (and men in select offerings) in search of authenticity, deeper consciousness, healing, personal transformation and re-connection.

Community Organizations Subjects: 

Writers Guild at Bloomington


The Writers Guild at Bloomington is an association of writers committed to mutual support and the professional development of their craft. Its mission is to foster interaction among writers as well as other artists, educators, and the Monroe County public, thereby enhancing the vibrancy of the arts and the writing community in the greater Bloomington area.

The Writers Guild holds monthly meetings, maintains a website, engages in projects, and produces and supports events such as reading series, workshops, and conferences.

Writers of all levels are welcomed, and if you are not a writer but would like to support poets, fiction writers and playwrights, we welcome you to visit our website and enjoy our events. Artists from other genres, and organizations, are welcomed to contact us about possible projects. We are open to creative interaction.

The Writers Guild was founded in October, 2010 and is a member of the Arts Alliance of Greater Bloomington.

Incorporation Status: 