The Community Organizations database provides information about Monroe County nonprofits and groups.


Buddhism - Community Organizations

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Sanshin Zen Community


Sanshin Zen Community is an authorized Buddhist temple in the Soto Zen tradition. It exists to enable practice in the style of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi: zazen (meditation), deep study of Dogen Zenji’s teachings, and commitment to beneficial action. These three elements--zazen, study and work—are the foundation of Sanshin’s practice vision and calendar of activities.

New practitioners are welcome and orientation is provided. Please see the New to Sanshin? page of our website at

Sanshin was founded in 1996 by Shohaku Okumura, a Soto Zen priest and respected translator of the thirteenth-century Japanese Zen master, Eihei Dogen Zenji. We're based at Shobozan Sanshinji 正法山 三心寺 in Bloomington, IN, where we offer opportunities for daily practice, weekly dharma talks, sesshin and retreats, and a three-month ango (practice period). Activities are open to anyone with a sincere interest in the practice of Soto Zen. We're largely a lay sangha, with most regular activities happening on weekday and Sunday mornings as well as occasional evenings in order to accommodate lives of work and family.

Year Established: 
1996 (all day)
Incorporation Status: 
Community Organizations Subjects: 

Tibetan Mongolian Cultural Center and Kumbum Chamtse Ling Inc


Dedicated to preserving Tibetan culture through educational & cultural events. The Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center is active in Earth Care, an interfaith group in Bloomington. Earth Care accepts our urgent moral responsibility to protect all life by curbing wanton climate change.

The Kumbum Chamtse Ling Monastery (a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization) - located on the grounds of the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center - is dedicated to the promotion of world peace and harmony. It fosters interfaith dialogue and is open to persons of all faith who wish to come to the temple to meditate, participate in retreat programs, and attend Buddhist Dharma teachings.

Community Organizations Subjects: 