Staff Picks: Blended by Sharon M. Draper

Reviewed by Christina J. 

Sharon Draper does it again - this time offering a heartfelt and moving story about a young bi-racial girl struggling to find her place within her complicated family and in the larger community. Draper’s characters are so complex and sympathetic that they seem like old friends by the end of the book. Fans of Draper’s other work, namely Out of My Mind and Stella by Starlight, will not be disappointed!

Isabella lives life by halves, splitting her time between the homes of her divorced Black father and White mother. While her parents argue bitterly, they shower Isabella with real love. Life at school is not much easier when her best friend, a Black girl from a politically engaged family, is shaken by a hateful object left in her locker. The incident sends a shockwave through the school and community, and forces Isabella to ask important questions about her identity. Throughout her trials, Isabella finds peace and inspiration in her piano playing. Isabella’s journey is filled with love and heartache, hate and hope, division and unity and lots and lots of surprises.


Staff Picks: Step Right Up by Donna Janell Bowman

Reviewed by Christina J. 

You have to read it to believe it. Then you have to see the photos in the historical note at the back of the book to really believe the incredible story of William ‘Doc’ Key and his intelligent horse Beautiful Jim Key. Even people who witnessed it firsthand, including scholars from Harvard University, couldn’t understand how Doc Key managed to teach his horse how to read, spell, cipher, and more on command. This is a stunning and inspiring story of how kindness and love has the potential to unleash the intelligence and capacity in animals, during a time when most people believed animals had no feelings.

William ‘Doc’ Key lived an extraordinary life in rural Tennessee during the time of the Civil War. Born into slavery, Key learned healing arts from his mother and became known in the area as a highly talented animal doctor, earning him the nickname, ‘Doc.’ After an eventful tour in the Civil War, Doc built a thriving business as a newly free man. That’s when he nursed a sickly colt to life and made him a household name. Doc Key used his fame and influence to shine a light on racial inequity by refusing to have segregated seating at his shows and performing in traditionally white venues. Along with his stance on social justice, Doc also crusaded for the humane treatment of animals. Truly, Doc Key’s story is an inspiration to us all.

*This book was an honoree for the Carter G. Woodson Book Awards for the most distinguished books appropriate for young readers that depict ethnicity in the United States. Adjudicated by members of the National Council for the Social Studies (a professional teaching organization) this award is intended to “encourage the writing, publishing, and dissemination of outstanding social studies books for young readers that treat topics related to ethnic minorities and race relations sensitively and accurately.”

Staff Picks: The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare

Reviewed by Lizzie F. 

Callum Hunt has spent his entire life avoiding magic, but his attempts to flunk the entrance exam for the Magisterium are unsuccessful, and he finds himself an apprentice at the underground magic school where young mages are trained. Despite his initial reluctance, he begins to enjoy learning to use magic, but nothing can prepare him for what he is about to learn about himself and his past.

This book is great for fans of Harry Potter and the twist ending will leave you excited for the Magisterium series' second installment.

Staff Picks: The Honest Truth

Reviewed by Ginny H. 

Mark has been sick for a long time and after receiving bad news from the doctors, he's had enough. He's angry, scared, and just wants to disappear. So he does.

Mark sets out with his dog, Beau, to climb Mount Rainier. He encounters all kinds of people and obstacles along the way, all the while documenting his travels with his camera and writing haikus. While he misses his mom and dad and his best friend, Jess, he keeps going, even when he starts getting sicker.

This book was a really intense adventure novel. I found myself relating to the character in huge ways. The bond between Mark and his dog, Beau, was so relatable and real. When they got into some of the more dramatic parts, I was literally holding my breath!

If you like adventure and action, you'll love this book by Dan Gemeinhart.

Staff Picks: Dactyl Hill Squad

Reviewed by Ellen A. 

Welcome to 1863 New York City, where dinosaurs roam the streets! Magdalys Roca and her fellow orphan friends are enjoying a field trip in the city when riots break out and a few of their group are kidnapped. It's up to Magdalys and the Dactyl Hill Squad to rescue their missing friends and defeat the evil magistrate, Riker. 

This alternate history involving the U.S. Civil War, a diverse bunch of heroic orphans, and dinosaurs is quite a thrilling ride. The exciting adventure, written by Daniel José Older, also touches on deeper issues such as extreme racial injustice and fighting for what is right.

I'm looking forward to the second book in the series, Freedom Fire, to be released in May 2019.

Staff Picks: Waiting for Winter

Reviewed by Aubrey D. 

What is wet, white, cold, and soft? Snow of course! For squirrel and his friends snow is a new adventure that they can't wait to experience. Meschenmoser's sketchy illustrations are charming and his characters are endearing, a great book for sharing one on one!

Find it in the Children's Picture Book Collection!

Staff Picks: The Assassination of Brangwain Spurge

Reviewed by Dana D.

Brangwain Spurge, the historian of the elves, is sent into rival goblin territory to deliver a peace offering in hopes of easing tensions between the two worlds. Werfel, the goblin historian is thrilled to meet Brangwain and has been put in charge of planning the perfect visit. But, things go wrong before Brangwain even steps foot on goblin territory, and get worse after that.

Fans of the Hobbit and The Invention of Hugo Cabret will love this tale told half in pictures and half in words.

VITAL Conversations

Dennis Davoren and learner Adam Garmon

For the first of an ongoing series of conversations with our volunteers and learners, we asked VITAL volunteer LuAnne to chat with tutor Dennis Davoren and learner Adam Garmon about what makes their partnership successful. 

Adam has worked in construction and other hands-on trades, although these days he is on medical leave awaiting open-heart surgery. "I can make just about anything," he says. "I could build you a house." Dennis is retired, and while he has spent only a year as a VITAL tutor in literacy, prior to moving to Bloomington from Louisiana, he was a math tutor for more than a decade. Adam and Dennis have been meeting for weekly sessions since July 2018.

Adam, what motivated you to join VITAL, and what keeps you in the program?

I had to read a lot of paperwork at my job delivering kitchen cabinets for installation. That paperwork makes me nervous, and I could have been a supervisor by now if I'd been able to do it. I've had trouble reading and writing for a long time, and tried getting help at other places. Nothing really stuck until I came to VITAL, and I have my sister to thank for that. She knew about the program and told me that I had to try it.

What learning tools have you found useful?

Lexia [an interactive online literacy program that learners can access through VITAL] has been great. Just this week, I spent 256 minutes on Lexia. I look at that number and I can say, "I did it. I did this today." It's helping me get better at reading and sending text messages on my smart phone, too.

Dennis, in your opinion, what is the most important work that VITAL does?

The adult literacy work can alter the course of someone's life, and VITAL has the resources, and provides the support, to make this work possible. 

The Lexia Core 5 program defines a pathway for learning in a structured and logical way. It's cleverly done; it's work, but with the aspect of a game. English is very idiosyncratic, and Lexia provides a way to navigate idiosyncrasies.

Adam is able to do things now that he couldn't do six months ago. Initially, he was texting solely by dictating. Now, he'll dictate and then check the language, and he'll try to read incoming texts before turning to the translator app to help him out.

Adam's appetite for learning is matched by Dennis's patience and commitment: that match-up is essential for a successful VITAL tutoring partnership. What's ahead for Adam? "Continuing to work on reading and writing. I'm hands on. That's how I learn."

CATS Live-streaming of Ellettsville Town Council and Plan Commision Now Available


CATS is pleased to announce a dedicated live-streaming weblink for the presentation of the Ellettsville Town Council and Ellettsville Plan Commission.  From the CATS homepage,, viewers can click on the WATCH CATS LIVE tab on the upper right side of the page and find a direct connection to these important community meetings.  All Ellettsville meetings are also archived and can be found on the CATS main page the day after they first appear LIVE.  CATS is made possible by the collective support of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, the Town of Ellettsville and the Monroe County Public Library.  For questions or comments, please contact CATS at (812)349-3111 or at cats [at]

VITAL: Winner of the 2018 Tom Zupancic Literacy in Libraries Award 

Tom Zupancic Literacy in Libraries Award

The ILF Tom Zupancic Literacy in Libraries Award recognizes community advocacy for literacy by an individual or organization in cooperation with a library. VITAL received this accolade for promoting the importance of literacy and adult education at the library. Since VITAL’s inception in 1977, our program has helped over 6,500 learners achieve their personal learning goals.

Community partners and individuals offered their support of VITAL stating:

“VITAL has not only created a learning place for adults -tutors and learners - but a community of trust and acceptance. Because of this community, learners feel able to ask for help with day to day problems.” – Antonia Matthews, VITAL tutor

“I have found VITAL to be a valuable community partner. Since our adult education program conducts instruction in groups, I refer our students who need individual tutoring to VITAL in addition to, or in place of, our classes. Likewise, VITAL refers its customers to us when they are ready for whole-class instruction that would lead to passing the high school equivalency tests, enhancing their English language skills with a larger peer group, etc.” – Rob Moore, Director of Adult Education at Monroe County Community Schools

“VITAL and MCPL have opened their doors to our community making us feel a part of the public library's community. For many Spanish speakers it is difficult not only to learn English but to be able to help their children to do well in school. Our work in conjunction with VITAL addresses this issue.” – Daniel Soto, La Escuelita Para Todos Principal

“I have found the VITAL Office to be a very safe and respectful environment to visit with adult Spanish-speaking English language learners interested in identifying English as a New Language conversation groups and tutoring resources in the community.  …the VITAL program is an essential library and community resource for literacy and English language acquisition that consistently goes the extra mile in advocating for and serving the residents of Monroe County, including recent migrants from Spanish-speaking countries” – Jane Walter, Health Projects Coordinator/Executive Director El Centro Comunal Latino

Learners are always welcome, and tutors are always needed.
