Digital Zines for Quarantine

Digital Zines for Quarantine

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has deeply affected the world. During this difficult time of uncertainty and isolation, various communities have stepped up to help individuals out; especially through mutual aid, solidarity, and resource sharing. Whether it is information on safety, dealing with anxiety, or even DIY projects/recipes to keep busy, zines are a valuable resource.

Mental Health Zines

Mental Health Zines

Due to the prevalence and need for mental health services, and a general lack of them in many communities, zines on mental health serve a special need. Zines can help frame mental health in both a frank and gentle way, while also providing tips and encouragement for self-care. Many mental health zines are based around an individual's personal experience, so they provide a first-hand account of the associated trauma and healing processes.

Consent Zines

Consent Zines

Good consent is very important. Consent is a mutual verbal, physical, and emotional agreement that happens without manipulation, threats, or head games. As Project Respect states, “Everyone has the right to sexuality without violence and as part of that, positive sexuality begins with enthusiastic consent. This means being as excited and into someone else’s enjoyment as we are excited and into our own enjoyment.
