There are many different ideas about the best ways to help children learn to read or to help struggling readers improve their skills. Some consistent suggestions include reading aloud to children, providing frequent opportunities for children to practice their reading with the material they enjoy, and developing vocabulary. Below you will find several more tips and resources to support and encourage your school-age child with reading.
While this page is intended to offer resources for adults working with school age children, it is important to remember that it is never too early to foster a love of reading and build foundational reading skills. For resources to help develop interest and skills in pre-readers as well as preschoolers, see our Every Child Ready to Read page.
Acquiring and Building Reading Skills
Read Write Think
Part of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), this site features fun interactives and online resources that promote comprehension, critical thinking and other literacy skills.
Reading Rockets
This national multimedia project offers research-based and best-practice information on teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle. Includes information helping struggling readers, offers free reading guides, and other resources for parents and teachers.
Sight Words
Looking for material to support the memorization of sight words? Take a look at our collection of resources on sight words.
Does your child or do your students struggle to read due to dyslexia? If so, check out our Dyslexia page for information and resources specifically geared towards dyslexic learners.
Finding the Right Book
Sometimes readers are reluctant because they struggle to find material that interests them.
Games for Tweens
Our Games for Tweens page lists several Word and Reading Games that help school age children increase their vocabulary and engage with reading in fun low risk environments.
Tips for Encouraging your Child to Read at Home
Take a look at our list of tips for even more ways you can encourage and motivate your child to read at home.