Library Receives Grants for Seed Library and Gardening Initiatives

Seed Library

According to the National Gardening Association, 35% of households in the US grow food either at home or in a community garden, up 200% in the last ten years. In keeping with the trend, the Library recently applied for and received two generous gardening grants.

The Downtown Library received a grant from the George E. Archer Foundation to support a series of gardening programs for preschool and school-aged children, the purchase of a bench in the Children’s Garden, and the start of a seed library. The George E. Archer Foundation strives to help boys and girls learn about gardening in South Central Indiana, providing grants that support gardening education initiatives for youth.

The seed library is a collection of non-invasive, non-GMO food and flower seeds that you can take to plant at home. Some seeds are organic, some are heirloom, and some are pollinator-friendly. Seeds can be found in The Commons on the second floor of the Downtown Library.

“The Seed Library offers families the opportunity to work together cohesively,” said Ginny Hosler, Children’s Community Engagement Librarian. “Among other benefits, gardening is a great way for kids to grow social and emotional skills. Gardening with their caregivers also helps develop a family support system, which can empower youth throughout their entire life.”

While gardening can increase access to nutritious foods and help save on groceries, purchasing seeds can be expensive and restrictive.

"It's exciting to remove another barrier to families and individuals growing their own food,” said M. W., Adult Community Engagement Librarian. “In addition to offering free seeds, we’ll provide educational experiences to support food autonomy, interest in the natural world, and hands-on learning.”

The Ellettsville Branch also received a grant from the Smithville Charitable Foundation to install raised garden beds and a bench and to provide resources to begin gardening programming. The Smithville Charitable Foundation has supported the needs of central and southern Indiana since 2007.

“The garden will be a space where patrons of all ages can help library staff cultivate vegetables or native plants. Any produce grown will be donated back to the Ellettsville community,” said Jane Cronkhite, Associate Director. “The garden will be open for everyone in the Ellettsville community to view, sit and read in, and enjoy.”

The seed library is available now. Related programming at both branches will begin in the spring.

Want to learn more about nature and environmental topics? Check out Talking Leaves Book Club, a new nonfiction reading group. 

Gardening Books for Kids

  • Let’s Garden: A Step-By-Step Introduction

  • Dig In!

  • Lola Plants a Garden

  • Plant a Little Seed

  • 101 Kid-Friendly Plants

  • Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table

  • Florette

  • We Are the Gardeners

  • Bloom

  • Dig In!: 12 Easy Gardening Projects Using Kitchen Scraps

  • Ojiichan's Gift

  • Plant the Tiny Seed

  • First Peas to the Table

  • Yucky Worms

  • In the Garden with Dr. Carver

  • The Forever Garden

  • The Ugly Vegetables

  • Children's Garden: Growing Food in the City

  • What's in the Garden?

  • The Curious Garden

  • Gardening Projects for Kids

It's Your Lucky Day with the Libby App!

It could be your lucky day!

Skip the waitlist for new, in-demand titles through the Libby app from OverDrive! Libby now offers select eBook and audiobook titles on a first-come, first-served basis. Browse the app’s “Lucky Day” section for available books. The selection will change as titles are returned and new books are added, so check back often!

In addition to “Lucky Day” titles, readers can browse the “Always Available” list in Libby to find all immediately available eBooks and audiobooks. Libby also offers current issues of popular magazines like Newsweek and TV Guide.

If you’re new to Libby, you can download it from the app store, create an account using your Library card number and password, then start browsing! The Libby app is available for Apple and Android devices. eBooks can also be read on Kindle devices.

eBooks are returned automatically with no overdue fines. Titles check out for 7 or 14 days, you choose. Read more about Libby and OverDrive.

Need help getting your device set up to read eBooks? Contact the Library via chat or email, or call 812-349-3050. For in-person assistance, stop by any information desk or schedule a one-on-one technology help session.


Library Wins State, Local Awards

Shannon Bowman-Sarkisian was selected as the winner of the Indiana Library Federation (ILF) 2019 Outstanding Library Staff Award for her work on increasing Library access for domestic violence survivors. 

After years of working in west coast bookstores and developing a specialty in rare books, Shannon is now studying to be a librarian at Indiana University and working as an Information Assistant at the Library. Shannon was awarded the Friends of the Library Pioneer Grant in February, which she used to start Creating Access for Violence Survivors (CAVS).

The CAVS project created Library protocol for Monroe County residents in hiding or transitional housing due to escaping domestic violence. It also provided training for Library staff on domestic violence and related issues, and gave Middle Way House residents access to eLibrary and digital learning tools on Library-curated iPads and Playaway tablets.

“Shannon’s commitment to improving access to the Library for survivors of domestic and sexual violence within Monroe County will make significant and lasting improvements in our community now, and in years to come,” wrote Stephanie Waller and Sarah Hunt of Middle Way House in Shannon’s nomination letter. 

I know I have said it before, but I am still so humbled by all of this, and honored to have had the opportunity to serve my community in this way,” Shannon said. “When I decided to pursue librarianship it was because I had a desire be of service. I'm grateful for all the help and support I received to bring this project to life."

The Library system itself was also chosen by its peers in the ILF community for an award. The 2019 Programming Award honors and recognizes a library system or branch of a library system that has successfully provided ongoing, innovative, and diverse programming designed to meet its community’s needs.

55,733 participants attended one of the Library’s 1,955 programs for children, teens, and adults in 2018. Areas of programming included digital creativity, book clubs, crafting, adulting, literacy, virtual reality, storytime, 3D printing, nonprofit support, inclusivity, caregiving, local & family history, theater performances, accessibility, cultural celebrations, and much more. All programs were free and open to the public.

Both awards will be given at November’s ILF annual meeting awards and honors banquet.

Finally, the Library has also been awarded the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce’s inaugural Community Anchor Award, which recognizes a business or organization that has contributed positively to the local community over a sustained period.

The Library was nominated by the Friends of the Library, who wrote, “The Library plays a central role in facilitating the community’s aspirations for Monroe County to be an informed, accessible, and inclusive place.” The award was given at the Thursday, September 26 annual meeting of the Chamber.

The Friends of the Library supports the Library's vital role in the community and helps make programming and summer reading games possible.

New National eBook Club

The Libraries Transform Book Pick is a new digital reading program that connects readers nationwide by offering free access to the same eBook through public libraries. The program, a collaboration between the American Library Association (ALA) and Rakuten OverDrive, gives public libraries the opportunity to bring readers together to discover a new eBook and celebrate the very best in reading.

After the Flood, an inventive and riveting climate fiction saga by Kassandra Montag, will be available October 7–21. Use your library card and the Libby app to download a free copy of the eBook to your personal device. There will be no waitlists or holds for this title.  

A little more than a century from now, our world has been utterly transformed. After years of slowly overtaking the continent, rising floodwaters have obliterated America’s great coastal cities and then its heartland, leaving nothing but an archipelago of mountaintop colonies surrounded by a deep expanse of open water. 

Stubbornly independent Myra and her precocious seven-year-old daughter, Pearl, fish from their small boat, the Bird, visiting dry land only to trade for supplies and information in the few remaining outposts of civilization. For seven years, Myra has grieved the loss of her oldest daughter, Row, who was stolen by her father after a monstrous deluge overtook their home in Nebraska. Then, in a violent confrontation with a stranger, Myra suddenly discovers that Row was last seen in a far-off encampment near the Arctic Circle. Throwing aside her usual caution, Myra and Pearl embark on a perilous voyage into the icy northern seas, hoping against hope that Row will still be there.

In a starred reviewBooklist states, “Montag’s thrilling debut takes place in a future climate-change-altered world overrun by water…Anchored by a complicated, compelling heroine, this gripping, speculative, high-seas adventure is impossible to put down.” Additionally, Karin Slaughter, international bestselling author of The Last Widow, calls Montag “a visionary new talent!”   

The selection of After the Flood for the Libraries Transform Book Pick was made in consultation with experts at Booklist, the book review magazine of the ALA. A special thanks to After the Flood’s publisher William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, for their support of the Libraries Transform Book Pick.

All public libraries in the U.S. currently participating in OverDrive/Libby will be ready to lend unlimited copies of the eBook to borrowers during the reading period, which makes it a great pick for your book club. Not a member of a book club? Discuss After the Flood on social media using the hashtag #LTBookPick. You can also start a book club with friends using this discussion guide.

Zines for Teens!

Zines for Teens

Zines are for everyone! And that means everyone: adults, teens, and even kids! Included in that are zines written for teens, as well as zines written by teens.

Young people making zines isn’t by any means a new pastime, it's a passion many have enjoyed for years. When you were in elementary or middle school you probably knew some budding young comic artist, if you were not one yourself, who produced and sold mini comic books. Those were zines, even if you didn’t call them that at the time.

Local teens are also zinesters! Here are a few of the zines designed by local teens that we carry:

Teen Café zine. Issue #1, June 26, 2019

Teen Café

Compilation of art, stories, and collages made by teens in Bartholomew County. Assembled by teen librarian Dakota during the teen cafe on June 26, 2019.

Teen feels : A TP zine about self-esteem

Teen Feels

Created by teens at the Project School, this zine includes advice from teens to teens. With pages such as, “How to draw a bald eagle when you’re mad” to “Feral: A Cat Story”, this multifaceted zine is sure to please.

The antagonist. May 2011

The Antagonist

A riot of images and words makes up this zine created by the teens who hung out at Rhino’s. The Antagonist was a long running publication from the local youth center that had lots of different types of content over the years.

My life as a teen com

My Life As a Teen Com

Perzine of author Kiah finding magic in rom coms, and how that defined their life as a teen. This colorful zine includes playlists, collages, thoughts on straight vs gay relationships, and a list of the top 20 best teen romantic comedies.

Legends of the woods : two short stories

Legends of the woods : two short stories

Written by local teen, JF Tryon, this story encompasses a child being told to get lost, the adventure that awaits, and the expectations one can place within other humans.


If you’re interested in more zine resources for or by kids, go to:
Zines for Kids from
Tweens, Teens, & Zines at the Library from School Library Journal

Our zine collection covers a wide and diverse range of voices and topics from cooking and crafts, to psychology and politics. You can find it in The Commons on the second floor of the Downtown Library. Interested in having your zine added to the collection? Submit a copy for consideration at any information desk or email Annise Blanchard at ablancha [at] (

Consent Zines

Consent Zines

Good consent is very important. Consent is a mutual verbal, physical, and emotional agreement that happens without manipulation, threats, or head games. As Project Respect states, “Everyone has the right to sexuality without violence and as part of that, positive sexuality begins with enthusiastic consent. This means being as excited and into someone else’s enjoyment as we are excited and into our own enjoyment. Only yes means yes – and yes should come from an engaged and enthusiastic partner.” The following zines speak more to this subject, and offer some good tools to consider when approaching sex, love, and daily life.



See no speak no hear no : articles & questions about sexual assault

Cover of See no speak no hear no

This zine collects stories about sexual assault in punk/anarchist communities. It includes comics and essays from both the perspective of an assaulter and a survivor.


Sexual objectification

Cover of Sexual objectification

A Bloomington created/distributed piece, this zine has perspectives from three individuals on how being objectified for their bodies is upsetting and triggering.


Learning good consent

Cover of Learning good consent

Curated by Doris editor Cindy Crabb, Learning Good Consent looks at the culture of sexual consent from a standpoint both sexy and educational. Over the course of 46 pages, Cindy and friends create a well-rounded consent workshop, with all sites set on healing and helping. As says Cindy in the zine's intro, "Talking about our experiences with consent, our struggles, our mistakes and how we've learned, these are part of a much larger revolutionary struggle." (


Ouch! Reflections on bad sex, rape, & shame

Cover of Ouch! Reflections on bad sex, rape, & shame

This is a zine about personal experiences with sexual assault and bad sex. As the author states, “I share these experiences and reflections openly, in hopes that true stories of sexual assault (and the emotional processing after a sexual assault) can be valuable in making sense of sexual assault, both on a personal level, and on a societal level.”



Cover of Support

In a time when sexual assault and abuse are an increasing problem; even in so-called radical and punk communities, and when most women have been sexually abused in one way or another, Cindy Crabb (Doris zine) brings us a document showing ways to prevent sexual violence and support survivors of sexual abuse. The zine helps to define consent, some letters that Cindy has received, listening, talking about sex, power dynamics, comics by Fly, and much more.


Let’s Talk: Feminist Communication for Radicalizing Sex, Consent & Interpersonal Dynamics

Cover of Let’s Talk: Feminist Communication for Radicalizing Sex, Consent & Interpersonal Dynamics

A helpful zine exploring the connections between feminist communication, consent, interpersonal dynamics, and healing from abuse. It’s focus on how we communicate with each other makes it worth reading, even for those already familiar with the concept of consent. It’s written in an engaging way and includes valuable information on gendered differences in communication, communicating boundaries and triggers, and consent. There’s also a number of activities aimed an encouraging further discussion and reflection.


Act Now!

Cover of Act Now!

A zine sponsored by the Simmons College Violence Prevention and Educational Outreach Program, this zine encourages dialogue around issues of gender-based violence. Full of online resources for learning better consent techniques and full-color pages of survivor stories and mottos.


In October, some zines on consent and survivor stories from abusive relationships will be available and free to pick up along with our CAVs (Creating Access for Violence Survivors) programs. If you would like some of these printed materials sooner, please email Annise Blanchard at ablancha [at]

The Library’s zine collection covers a wide and diverse range of voices and topics from cooking and crafts, to psychology and politics. You can find it in The Commons on the second floor of the Downtown Library. Interested in having your zine added to the collection? Submit a copy for consideration at any information desk or email Annise Blanchard at ablancha [at]

Reading Glasses Available at the Library

Around 30 years ago, Librarians began to purchase a small supply of reading glasses for use in the Library. Staff realized that many of the customers who borrowed glasses could not afford to buy pairs for themselves. As demand grew, the Library looked for a way to allow customers to keep their glasses. The Library found an affordable solution, purchasing discounted pairs through the eyeglass recycling program at the Lions Club. 

Last August, Sharon Marsh, a faculty member at Ivy Tech Community College and employee of the IU School of Optometry, overheard a Library customer request a pair of reading glasses from a Library employee. In the Optometric Technology program at Ivy Tech, Marsh teaches a class where students make glasses with reconditioned frames and optical quality lenses. Marsh reached out to Community Engagement Librarian, Bobby Overman, to see if the Library would be interested in receiving donations of these glasses. 

The Library currently distributes around 500–600 pairs of glasses a year. Donations from Marsh’s students allow the Library to supplement its annual Lions Club purchase with high-quality glasses in common strengths. Customers especially appreciate the glasses cases that are often included with the glasses from the Ivy Tech program. Students in the program love the idea that the eyeglasses they make are more than just practice––and the Library is thrilled to be able to distribute free eyeglasses to people who need them.

Patrons can request a pair of glasses from any information desk at the Downtown Library or Ellettsville Branch. Learn more about Library accessibility offerings.

Cooking Zines

Cooking Zines

Looking to change up your cooking routine? Add some new recipes to the ol’ repertoire? Some new culinary delights would be nice! You could turn to a conventional cookbook, but you’re likely to only find conventional foods there. No, what you need is something a little more cutting edge, a shake up in your giddy-up, some unconventional food for these unconventional times; what better place to look for this than in that most unconventional format: zines!

Vegan Pho : a recipe
Phở, the delicious Vietnamese soup, has a umami depth of flavor that is usually achieved with meat, and veg/vegan options often are not as rich. But, fear not non-meat-eaters of the world, Juli Jump Rope has a recipe to make this noodle dish with out pho-ail! 

Food to eat from a human skull
Travelkid delights in this handwritten zine of vegan recipes. Including iconic recipes such as “Weer Baffles” to make after a heavy drinking or a “Condom Mint Sandwich” of bread and vegenaise, these recipes are sure to saturate the mind and body.

Comestible summer 2016

Grow, Explore, Eat: More than just a cookbook this zine is organized around these three concepts and includes articles on the process of growing food and processing it, and how different factors impact this process. The final section includes a variety of delightful recipes! 

The Best of Vegetables From Amish and Mennonite Kitchens

In this short but full anthology, vegetarian recipes such as “Crispy Topped Cheese Potatoes” and “Candied Sweet Potatoes” are bound to satisfy.

Bananarchy now! : the further vegetarian adventures of SoyBoi and friends 

Join Milo and friends as they explore unique and interesting vegetarian and vegan recipes! Including such things as “Banana Soup”, “Block Rockin’ Beets”, “Paneer Fritters”, and, our personal favorite, “Emily D’s Red Lentil Lunch for Librarians.” These recipes are all relatively simple, with easy instructions on how to prepare and cook - so please, pick up this zine and enjoy new recipes today!

Check out a cooking zine today! Maybe you’ll be inspired for your next great culinary masterpiece. It's always awesome to discover a new and delicious recipe!


  • How to Become a Lesbian Vampire Movie

  • Vegan Pho

  • New Afrikan sentiments : we must love ourselves and love the earth to care about ourselves and care about the earth

  • How to make radio (and a little bit about how to make beer)

  • Malcriada v. 3: My Mother's Home

  • Baba Yaga Burns Paris To The Ground

  • Shut Up and Listen. Issue 11

  • Perennial magick & poetry. v. 2

  • Tributaries. 4 : An intro to arthritis in youth

  • How to Make a Stand-Up Comedy Show at Home

  • Untitled

  • Doc Merriweather's Miracle Elixir presents The A-Z primer on corporeal health, virulent ailments and miraculous curatives

  • Here It Is No. III

  • I was a teenage witch : the pendant of Thumere

  • The Heartland Underground. Issue One, Spring '16

  • Bananarchy now!

Fitness at the Library

Booking It: Summer Running Program

When you think “Library,” do you think physical and mental fitness? Well, if you don’t, you should! Throughout the year, the Library offers free programs all about staying healthy and improving fitness. Now that summer is upon us, the Library is offering even more ways to exercise.

Every Monday evening, drop by for Yoga for the Community. Robin Halpin Young of Maxwell House Yoga teaches why the joyful practice of yoga is so powerful for keeping you healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

Speaking of mind and spirit health, have you heard of Being Bloomington: Being Peace? During this program, enjoy periods of silence accompanied by soothing, live, meditative music. Kat Forgacs leads participants through seated meditation, Tai Chi, and more.

New parents and moms-to-be can get in on the action with Prenatal Yoga and Yoga with Baby. Start your yoga practice during pregnancy, then bond with your baby after during these specially planned yoga programs. It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents.

For parents looking for a different kind of exercise, try the Baby and Me Interval Workout. Personal Trainer Jenna Tieman leads the group through strength and bodyweight exercises with interval training techniques great for all levels of fitness. Grownups will work out, incorporating their children in a playful way. Stay and cool off after with a baby playtime!

One of the best ways to get into running is the couch-to-5K method, and you can join others in their quest to train for a local 5K race by attending the Booking It: Summer Running Program on Wednesday evenings all summer. Each session will combine stretching, walking, and running to take you from running novice to a 5K machine! Participants will also receive a raffle ticket for a free entry to a local 5K.

Finally, put your newly earned and improved fitness to the test during Ping Pong Palooza! The Library sets up a few tables, and everyone gets to play! The emphasis is on learning and honing your skills in a safe, fun environment.

Sure, you can get a good book at the Library, but you can also get in shape.

DIY/How To Zines

Zines on display in People's Park

Want to learn a new skill? Maybe a zine is the answer! There are lots of zines that can teach you a thing or two about making stuff and doing things.

Zines embody the very essence of do-it-yourself culture, most zines are made by a single person doing all of the work, from writing and drafting, to art and illustration, all the way through publishing and distribution. It is no wonder that zinesters carry that DIY spirit with them into other aspects of their lives. Sometimes, they write about their other passions and hobbies, so that you to can do it yourself and make something wonderful with your own two hands.

Here is a sampling of some of the DIY zines that the Library has in its collection:


Easy-To-Build Birdhouses & Easy-To-Build Birdbaths

Easy To Build Birdbaths Easy To Build Birdbaths

Love birds and want to help them? Consider building them a house or bath! In Easy-To-Build Birdhouses and Easy-To-Build Birdbaths Mary Twitchell teaches you how to construct finely crafted baths and house built in reliable, traditional ways. Different types of birds require different types of houses, so depending on the type of birds you have and they type you want in your yard, you would want to build them different types of houses.


Guerrilla Graywater Girls Guide to Water

Guerrilla Graywater Girls Guide to water

This comprehensive zine includes information on different water systems, the full water cycle, water use/reuse, plumbing basics, and even how to build your own pedal-powered washer. Helpful for those starting to learn water basics, or those interested in learning more, this DIY zine will not disappoint!


Growing Things: A Guide For Beginning Gardeners

Growing Things

Whether starting in pots or straight into the dirt, this zine will direct you on how to care for your herbs, flowers, and medicinal plants. Includes seasonal guides on when best to plant and water, as well as nutritional facts and helpful hints for weeding and taking care of pests.


Zine Scene

Zine Scene

Have a passion and want to share it too? Consider making a zine of your own. Zine Scene is a comprehensive guide to making your own zine! This in-depth guide covers all of the different aspects of zine making with copious examples of many different genres included. (If you do end up making a zine, consider donating a copy to the Library’s collection!)


How to Make Radio (and a little bit about how to make beer)

How To Make Radio

Julie Sabatier has been making radio for 15 years, but when she was first getting started she put together this zine about how to record and produce radio for people who had never done it before. She covers the kinds of equipment that you would want to buy as a beginner, and covers how you write and edit a compelling story. If you’re interested in radio, you should come down to Level Up, the Library’s digital creativity area!



If you are interested in more DIY crafts, check out these upcoming programs:
June 13 - Guided Crafts - Paper Mosaics
July 11 - Guided Crafts - Air Dry Clay Sculptures
July 24 - Examining Light in the Universe - Build Your Own Spectroscope
August 8 - Guided Crafts - Felt Succulent Frames
August 21 - Tech Meets Crafts - Light Up Flower Crowns
August 24 - Essential Oils DIY - Household Cleaners and Sprays


The Library’s zine collection covers a wide and diverse range of voices and topics from cooking and crafts, to psychology and politics. You can find it in The Commons on the second floor of the Downtown Library. Interested in having your zine added to the collection? Submit a copy for consideration at any information desk or email Annise Blanchard at ablancha [at]

