New arrivals added to the poetry collection in the last 7 days

"Bats can hear shapes, plants can eat light, and bees can dance maps. When his life took him to a painfully dark place, Jarod K. Anderson found comfort and redemption in these facts and the massive shift in perspective that comes from paying a new kind of attention to nature. This book tells the story of the darkest stretch of a young man's life, and how deliberate and meditative encounters with plants and animals helped him see the light at every turn. Ranging from optimistic contemplations of

"In his latest collection, Dobby Gibson explores the strangeness of the everyday with fresh urgency, inviting us to reawaken and reclaim our fuller selves. Hold Everything moves at the speed of breaking news as it makes a plea for grace in a world running short on mercy. Its epistolary poems put us in correspondence with Edo-period poets and 1980s hair-metal gods, artificial intelligence and hotel soaps. Gibson's poems remain on alert, demonstrating the many ways a deeper attention to the marvel

"A surreal poetry collection considering memory and self-discovery through the character of the archon, the keeper of the mental archive. In Ruth Ellen Kocher's Archon / After, the archive is revealed as both a form of violence and of memory, of site and of event. As keeper of the archive, Kocher's archon determines what pieces of the past may be preserved, housed, documented, ordered, and reviewed. Through these poems, the archon dives deep into memories and into the mysteries of daily life, an

"To whom do we belong, and at what cost? Patrycja Humienik's debut poetry collection, We Contain Landscapes, is haunted by questions of desire, borders, and the illusion of national belonging. Bringing music and rich sensory detail to the page, these poems attend to the inextricable link between our bodies and the land. Over five ruminative and lush sections, they survey place and memory, both intergenerationally and through emotional bonds with other immigrant daughters. Weaving in letters, inn

"In If Nothing, the speaker confronts addiction, the learned behaviors and expectations of masculinity, fatherhood, and the feelings of guilt and shame, attempting to understand them better and in doing so, find redemption and forgiveness. The poems oftencall us to listen to ourselves closer and ask, how do we forgive ourselves? This is a book that wants readers to feel their feelings without shame or remorse. The tension between the physical and emotional, like the imagery of crafting with shar

"Part love story, part instruction manual, part spiritual journey, Dante’s “little book,” the Vita Nuova, has had a profound and far-reaching influence on global culture and is considered by many to be the perfect expression of the medieval ideal of courtly love, as well as an essential precursor to Dante’s sublime poetic apotheosis, the Divine Comedy. Now Joseph Luzzi, celebrated author of books about Italian literature and culture and a lifelong lover and teacher of Dante’