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Sonny Boy
Date added:
Jun 10, 2024
Sonny Boy

Date added:
Jun 10, 2024

John Lewis - A Life
Date added:
Jun 10, 2024
John Lewis - A Life

The Bin Ladens - an Arabian family in the American century

The Bin Ladens rose from poverty to privilege; they loyally served the Saudi royal family for generations--and then one of their number changed history on September 11, 2001. Journalist Steve Coll tells the story of the rise of the Bin Laden family and of the wildly diverse lifestyles of the generation to which Osama bin Laden belongs, and against whom he rebelled. Starting with the family's escape from famine at the beginning of the twentieth century, through its jet-set era in America after th

The greatest knight - the remarkable life of William Marshal, the power behind five English thrones

Brings to life medieval England's most celebrated knight, William Marshal--who served under Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, Richard the Lionheart, and his infamous brother, John--providing an unprecedented view of this age and the legendary warrior class that shaped it.

Did I ever tell you? - a memoir
Date added:
May 23, 2024
Did I ever tell you? - a memoir

Genevieve (Gwen) Kingston's mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer when Gwen was just three years old. Defying the odds, she lived another eight years, during which time she filled a chest with gifts and letters to Gwen and her brother, Jamie, for every major milestone and birthday through age thirty. The day Gwen got her driver's license. The day she graduated from high school. Gwen is now in her thirties and, when Did I Ever Tell You? begins, three unopened boxes remain: engagement, marriag

A Black girl in the middle - essays on (allegedly) figuring it all out

"A blazingly honest essay collection from a refreshing new voice exploring the in-between moments for Black women and girls, and what it means to simply exist"--

