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The fortune teller's prophecy - a memoir of an unlikely doctor

"When a military coup in Ghana leads to the abrupt closure of Lally Pia's medical school, she is stranded thousands of miles away from her family and left with no educational prospects or money and a botched American Green Card. But a Sri Lankan priest told Lally's father that she would one day become a “Doctor of Doctors” a laughable outcome, given her current predicament. This multicultural roller coaster illustrated the power of self-determination as Lally takes on obstacle after obstacle in

My two lives
Date added:
Jan 15, 2024
My two lives

"Jochen "Jack" Wurfl lived two lives. Jack was born in 1932 in Germany to his Jewish mother and Catholic father, and lived in Austria until 1936. Anticipating Hitler's invasion of Austria, his parents sent Jack and his brother, Peter, back to Germany to live with their Jewish grandparents in Berlin. As Hitler's persecution of the Jews intensified, Jack's grandfather sneaked the boys into hiding at a children's summer camp in the resort village of Dangast, 200 miles northwest of Berlin on the Nor

