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Baby skunks

"Follow baby skunks' first experiences through engaging text, fun facts, and vibrant photography"--

Baby polar bears

"Follow baby polar bears' first experiences through engaging text, fun facts, and vibrant photography"--

Baby penguins

"Follow baby penguins' first experiences through engaging text, fun facts, and vibrant photography"--

Baby gorillas

"Follow baby gorillas' first experiences through engaging text, fun facts, and vibrant photography"--

Baby foxes

"Follow baby foxes' first experiences through engaging text, fun facts, and vibrant photography"--

Baby elephants

"Follow baby elephants' first experiences through engaging text, fun facts, and vibrant photography"--

Artificial intelligence art and other creative tech

"Would you visit an art gallery to see a painting created by a computer? Or read a poem written by a software program? Artificial intelligence (AI) program are now capable of generating artworks that rival those produced by human artists. AI can generate paintings, music, poetry, and even sculptures that challenge traditional notions of art. Learn how these high-tech methods are transforming the creative process"--

Armored dinosaurs - ranking their speed, strength, and smarts

"Compare and contrast the different armored dinosaurs to see which ones were the fastest, strongest, and smartest"--

American shorthairs

"With diagrams, graphs, great photos, and fun text learn all about American shorthair cats"--

Aerogels and other material tech.

"In our modern world of plastics, metal alloys, and semiconductors, it may seem as if we have all the materials we could need. But materials scientists continue to discover new materials with stunning properties, surpassing existing materials in almost every respect. Learn about new materials, including aerogels, graphene, nanotubes, and metamaterials here"--

Adobe shelters to steel skyscrapers - a timeline of building.

"Charts the milestones in the history of building construction and architectural styles in a narrative timeline format. Features: glossary, additional resources, and index"--


"With diagrams, graphs, great photos, and fun text, learn all about Abyssinian cats"--


"Dont' claw up the wrong tree when choosing a cat. Learn all about your favorite feline friends before bringing one home. From how much they eat tho how much time they like to spend with people, explore which breed is best for you"--Back cover


"Dont' claw up the wrong tree when choosing a cat. Learn all about your favorite feline friends before bringing one home. From how much they eat tho how much time they like to spend with people, explore which breed is best for you"--Back cover


"Dont' claw up the wrong tree when choosing a cat. Learn all about your favorite feline friends before bringing one home. From how much they eat tho how much time they like to spend with people, explore which breed is best for you"--Back cover

Maine coons

"Dont' claw up the wrong tree when choosing a cat. Learn all about your favorite feline friends before bringing one home. From how much they eat tho how much time they like to spend with people, explore which breed is best for you"--Back cover

American shorthairs

"Dont' claw up the wrong tree when choosing a cat. Learn all about your favorite feline friends before bringing one home. From how much they eat tho how much time they like to spend with people, explore which breed is best for you"--Back cover


"Dont' claw up the wrong tree when choosing a cat. Learn all about your favorite feline friends before bringing one home. From how much they eat tho how much time they like to spend with people, explore which breed is best for you"--Back cover

Serena Williams

"Explores the tennis career of Serena Williams with stats, charts, infographics, timelines, and strongly controlled text"--


"Infographics, fun facts, and carefully leveled text help readers explore the creepy, crawly lives of scorpions and their important role in the world"--

