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The apothecary diaries. 10

"When two beautiful foreign envoys with designs on the Emperor come calling with a tale of old about a spellbinding courtesan who captured the imagination of their family patriarch, it's up to Maomao to concoct a theatrical scheme to give the ladies a whopper of a story to take home! Later, Maomao goes back to sniffing around the Inner Court to find out the truth about the troubling prevalence of those foreign perfume oils that could spell disaster for the throne's future heirs"--

The apothecary diaries. 1

"Maomao, a young woman trained in the art of herbal medicine, is forced to work as a lowly servant in the inner palace. Though she yearns for life outside its perfumed halls, she isn't long for a life of drudgery! Using her wits to break a "curse" afflicting the imperial heirs, Maomao attracts the attentions of the handsome eunuch Jinshi and is promoted to attendant food taster. But Jinshi has other plans for the erstwhile apothecary, and soon Maomao is back to brewing potions and...solving myst

Tokyo these days. Viz Signature Edition 2

"Shiozawa forges ahead with an independently published manga project. But the manga creators around him are crumbling into chaos--Chosaku drinks himself into ever less productivity over worries about his career and family, a longtime creator can't discernthe difference between fiction and fantasy, and Aoki disappears rather than face the deadlines for his new hit series. Sometimes, the simple pleasure of an apple is worth more than all the fame and toil of making manga"--

Rooster fighter. 05

"In a world where terrifying monsters walk the earth, one heroic rooster is destined for greatness. When giant demons threaten the innocent, he's going to show them who's boss! Morio, the kind demon thought to have died in the flood, reappears and attacksa town near where the devils may be hiding. Keiji and his comrades investigate but with the sudden appearance of his half brother, Keisuke, Keiji is forced to confront his troubled history with their father. Despite not wanting anything to do wi

Made in abyss. 12

"Riko and crew have encountered a mysterious cave raider squad in the depths' sixth layer! When they join them at their hideout, they find Srajo, the Sovereign of Mystery, awaiting them with a trial! Can they overcome her challenge and win her trust?"--


"A tumor shaped like a man's face slowly moves across a woman's body. The sea shoots glowing balls into the sky, much to the distress of beachgoers. And a girl dressed up for a holiday has no eyes, no nose, nothing--her face is a total blank"--

Marmalade boy. 4

Miki is ecstatic over her plans to take a trip with Yuu! In order to save up money, she gets a job at an ice cream shop--but disaster strikes when she's working there. What will she do when she loses the bracelet Yuu gave her?!

Marmalade boy. 3

"Miki loves Yuu, but she's got plenty of competition! The newest person vying for Yuu's affections is no less than the school president, Miwa Satoshi. Just how close are the two boys? And what's the meaning behind that serious look Yuu gets on his face from time to time?"--

Marmalade boy. 2

"Ginta and Yuu are in the middle of their tennis match, but it's not going so well for them. Ginta is totally off his game, but it has nothing to do with the bet he placed, and everything to do with the fact that Miki said she hates him. Can he get his act together in time for them to win the match? Or are Miki's suitors doomed to lose--the game and their hair?"--

Marmalade boy. 1

"Miki's life was pretty ordinary until the day her parents told her they were swapping spouses with another couple! Thanks to this unconventional arrangement, Miki now has two new stepparents and a hot new stepbrother, Yuu! Miki isn't exactly thrilled with her new situation, and though Yuu is super cute, he's also kind of a jerk. Can Miki sort out her complicated feelings for him and come to terms with her new family?"--

How do we relationship?. 9

"Both Miwa and Seiko have new girlfriends, which means they should be spending more time on their romantic relationships and less time together. But even though they're trying to give each other space, they can't help turning to each other for moral support when issues arise. Are they actually closer than ever now that they're apart?"--

