New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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The gravity of math - how geometry rules the universe

"On November 25th, 1915, Albert Einstein published his field equations of general relativity and reinvented gravity. Rather than being some mysterious unseen force pulling objects together, gravity, Einstein told the world, is a manifestation of the curvature of space-time caused by the presence of massive objects. But Einstein's theory wasn't born in a vacuum, not even the vacuum of space. Instead, the theory of general relativity relies upon complicated geometry; Einstein worked closely with m

Give me space but don't go far - my unlikely friendship with anxiety

"Ever since Haley Weaver was a child, anxiety has been at her side to remind her about what-if and worst-case scenarios, kind of like a bad houseguest who can't read a room. Like most people, Haley saw her anxiety as an obstacle to happiness--she wanted dump it at her therapist's office, or send it on trip far, far away...anything to be rid of it. But what Haley slowly began to understand is that anxiety isn't just an annoying visitor; it's who she is and it keeps her safe, so she might as well

Girl online - a user manual

"In this arresting personal narrative, Joanna Walsh constructs a philosophical investigation into the constraints and possibilities of the technological self, exploring thoughts on technology, identity, and labour"--

The future was now - madmen, mavericks, and the epic sci-fi summer of 1982

"From legendary entertainment journalist and author of Caddyshack comes a rollicking history of 1980s cinema-how eight legendary sci-fi films changed Hollywood forever In the summer of 1982, eight science fiction films were released within six weeks of one another. E.T., Tron, Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, Conan the Barbarian, Blade Runner, Poltergeist, The Thing, and Mad Max: The Road Warrior changed the careers of some of Hollywood's now biggest names-altering the art of movie-making to this day.

Dressing the Bear by L. Leary, Susan
Date added:
Jun 6, 2024
Dressing the Bear

The focus fix - finding clarity, creativity and resilience in an overwhelming world

"With focus and a clear mind, we can achieve almost anything. But we are constantly subjected to a deluge of distractions, from endless notification pings to anxiety and self-doubt.The Focus Fix explores how you can reset your mindset in order to reclaimyour focus and achieve incredible results. In this fascinating book, leading creativity expert Chris Griffiths and journalist Caragh Medlicott unearth scientific studies and inspiring case studies to offer practical and proven techniques that wil

The filmmaker's eye - learning (and breaking) the rules of cinematic composition

"Telling stories with moving images is one of the most exalted art forms of our era. This fully revised and updated new edition of the classic book on cinematic composition will help you harness the power of this genre by explaining how images work to tell a story. This is the only book that combines conceptual and practical instruction on creating polished and eloquent images for film and video with the technical know-how to achieve them. Loaded with hundreds of revised full-color examples, the

Fallen - George Mallory and the tragic 1924 Everest expedition

In the years following his disappearance near the summit of Mount Everest in June 1924 at the age of thirty-seven, George Mallory was elevated into a legendary international hero. Dubbed "the Galahad of Everest," he was lionized by the media as the greatest mountaineer of his generation-a man who had died while taking the ultimate challenge. His body was only recovered in 1999 and there is still speculation about whether he made it to the summit. Handsome, charismatic, and daring, Mallory was a

Elevating child care - a guide to respectful parenting

"A Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) teacher and student of pioneering child specialist Magda Gerber, Janet Lansbury helps parents look at the world through the eyes of their infants and relate to them as whole people who have natural abilities to learn without being taught. Once we are able to view our children in this light, even the most common daily parenting experiences become stimulating opportunities to learn, discover, and connect with our child. A collection of the most-read article

The electrocution of Baby Lawrence - a murder that shook a New England town

"In September of 1943, six-month old Lawrence Noxon, who had recently been diagnosed with Down Syndrome died mysteriously while in his father's care. The case and following arrest, trial, and conviction of John Noxon, divided their small town Was it an accident? Was it a "mercy killing"? Was it murder?"--

Discovering Daniel- Finding Our Hope in God's Prophetic Plan Amid Global Chaos

Bestselling author Amir Tsarfati reveals how Daniel's prophecies--and his unwavering faith amid a contentious culture--provide vital insights for living out these last days with hope and wisdom.

