New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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Whole Dog Parenting- Everything You Need to Raise and Train an Urban Pup

A comprehensive guide to raising and training dogs in the city, Whole Dog Parenting covers it all. From obedience training and socialization to understanding nutritional needs, readers will look no further for the help they need.

Why would feminists trust the police? - a tangled history of resistance and complicity

"Leah Cowan traces the history of British feminism's alliances and struggles with the law and its enforcers. Drawing on the legacy of Black British feminism, Cowan reminds readers of the vibrant and creative alternatives envisioned by those who have longknown the truth: the police aren't feminist, and the law does not keep women safe"--

The way of belonging - reimagining who we are and how we relate

"What if belonging isn't something to attain, but someone to become? Sarah E. Westfall takes our longing to belong as an invitation to embrace and extend God's love. Teaching a posture of welcome in the way of the Father, she guides us toward a deep connection where our humanity draws us closer to people and envelops us in the heart of God"--

Super Slick - life and death in a Huey helicopter in Vietnam

"Tom Feigel's memoir recounts the thick and thin of helicopter combat in Vietnam. Heart-pumping missions into hot landing zones and much more. It was dangerous and thrilling. The crews loved it and hated it. They were proud of it. And they never wanted todo it again. Super Slick is close as you can get to being inside a Huey"--

Starring Joan Crawford - the films, the fantasy, and the modern relevance of a silver screen icon

"Starring Joan Crawford is a rollicking exploration of the powerful women this iconic performer vividly brought to life in her films-and the lasting, ever-evolving impact she has had on popular culture. Having carved out a revolutionary path through the entertainment industry while relying on men-whether her studio bosses or her many husbands-as little as possible, she created a gallery of strong, assertive women who outsmarted men and refused to conform to gender expectations. In movies like Mi

Shareworthy - advertising that creates powerful connections through storytelling

"In today's competitive marketplace, a brand must possess both a Big Story and individual stories that people connect to emotionally and viscerally. A brand, whether it's a company, a commercial product or service, a nonprofit, or an individual, can onlybreak through when people believe and respect their story. The big story as well as each individual story must hit a nerve and be authentic. Brands must be socially responsible-it is not enough to peddle a product. People want more than the utili

Seeing through - a chronicle of sex, drugs, and opera

"The memoirs of composer Ricky Ian Gordon: the heartbreaking, exhilarating story of "a life that comes out of chaos"--

Second-class saints - Black Mormons and the struggle for racial equality

"This book provides a detailed look at how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lifted its longstanding ban barring Black men from the priesthood and Black families from access to Mormon temples. Adapting a Protestant teaching that Black peoplebore a divine curse, and reinforced by a unique Latter-day teaching that Black people were "less valiant" in a pre-earth existence, these twin teachings became the fulcrum that underpinned the church's priesthood and temple ban. The book discuss

The road to unforgetting - detours in the American South, 1997-2022

"The Road to Unforgetting gathers 175 of Pete Candler's black-and-white film photographs from road trips across the American South from 1997 to 2022, along with his insightful essay on the imaginative potential of the unplanned detour. A meditation on "back-roading" with a film camera as a spiritual exercise, Road documents lesser-known, often unmarked, sites in the history of the South that exist off the main drag of collective memory. A powerful collaboration of word and image in search of dee

Revolutionary mothering - love on the front lines

"Inspired by the legacy of radical and queer black feminists of the 1970s and ’80s, Revolutionary Mothering places marginalized mothers of color at the center of a world of necessary transformation. The challenges we face as movements working for racial, economic, reproductive, gender, and food justice, as well as anti-violence, anti-imperialist, and queer liberation are the same challenges that many mothers face every day. Oppressed mothers create a generous space for life in the face of

Pizza night / Deliciously Doable Recipes for Pizza and Salad

"Make pizza night a fun weekly tradition with these 52 seasonal pizzas paired with salads for a complete meal-from the award-winning author of Bread Toast Crumbs and creator of the blog Alexandra's Kitchen Creating consistently great pizza from scratch isn't complicated--even kids can get in on the fun and lend a hand! Whether cooking pizza in your kitchen oven, a tabletop pizza oven, or an outdoor wood-burning oven, it all starts with the dough. In Pizza Night, professional chef Alexandra Staff

Permission to Be Black- My Journey with Jay-Z and Jesus

While many saw a confident, six-foot-five Black man, A. D. "Lumkile" Thomason lived most of his life deeply wounded by encounters with violence, abandonment, and family tragedy. Tracing how the art of Jay-Z gave voice to his own longings and how the gospel of Jesus brought him healing, A. D.'s powerful story gives you permission to be Black, to be Christian, and to be the person God has made you to be.

The New Modernist House- Mid-Century Homes Renewed for Contemporary Living

Mid-century modern continues its resurgence. Discover twenty-one examples of modernist residential architecture thoughtfully adapted for the present day.

