New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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The light work - reclaim your feminine power, live your cosmic truth, and illuminate the world

"Unlock your infinite potential in every area of your life and become your own inspiration. Using the concept of Light as a tool for personal and spiritual growth, bestselling author and entrepreneur Jessica Zweig challenges readers to hit the proverbial"light switch" and illuminate their own lives. Rooted in the Pleiadian teachings of Light as "Information," "Truth," and "Love," Jessica's philosophy teaches readers to name, claim, and reframe their inner darkness in order to unlock their infini

Inspire greatness - how to motivate employees with a simple, repeatable, scalable process

"From sought-after speaker and consultant Matt Tenney, Inspire Greatness outlines a simple, scalable, four-step process that any leader can follow to routinely bring out the best in team members and improve performance for their team or organization"--

Gray matters - a biography of brain surgery

"A popular biography of brain surgery told by one of its preeminent practitioners"--

Feh - a memoir

"A memoir of the author's attempt to escape the biblical story he'd been raised on and his struggle to construct a new story for himself and his family"--

Christopher Isherwood inside out / Inside Out

"A stunningly intimate portrait of the writer and gay cultural icon and of his lifelong search for authenticity"--

Business on the edge - how to turn a profit and improve lives in the world's toughest places

"Many companies worry that expanding into emerging markets is a risky--and even dangerous--move. Professors Viva Ona Bartkus and Emily S. Block see things differently. They argue that by entering markets in the world's frontline regions--areas stuck in cycles of violence and extreme poverty--business can actually create stability and expand opportunity for communities and corporations alike. From helping Colombian farmers transition from growing coca to produce, to disrupting human trafficking r

Bring judgment day - reclaiming Lead Belly's truths from Jim Crow's lies

"This deeply researched book explores the life and music of folk legend Lead Belly within the context of the Jim Crow era. The work will appeal to a range of audiences, from Lead Belly fans and historians to readers interested in civil rights, mass incarceration, and the power of narrative"--

The body alone - a lyrical articulation of chronic pain

"The Body Alone is a lyrical nonfiction inquiry into the experience, meaning, and articulation of pain. It is a hybrid account incorporating research, scholarship, and memoir to examine pain through the lenses of medicine, theology, and philosophy. Brokenbodies tell broken stories. This is why the pain experience is portrayed through an engaging but tangled, cyclical narrative of primers, vocabulary lessons, prescription records, and hypothesized internal monologues. The Body Alone is fractured

Sonny Boy by Pacino, Al
Date added:
Jun 10, 2024
Sonny Boy

Patriot by Navalny, Alexei
Date added:
Jun 10, 2024

Othered - finding belonging with the God who pursues the hurt, harmed, and marginalized

"For anyone who has felt left out or pushed out, this book is your invitation to find spiritual rest and belonging in a God who loves, restores, and blesses the outcast and the marginalized"--

