New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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The Supreme Court footnote - a surprising history

"A history of the most famous, and infamous, footnotes in leading US Supreme Court cases"--

Moving pictures - a history of American animation from Gertie to Pixar and beyond

"A fascinating look at the history of film and television animation in the United States, from the animated comic strips of the early 1900s to the proliferation of animation companies and hit films of the present"--

The light of battle - Eisenhower, D-Day, and the birth of the American superpower

"A thrilling new biography of Dwight Eisenhower set in the months leading up to D-Day, when he grew from a well-liked general into one of the singular figures of American history"--

For love of country - leave the Democratic party behind

The newly independent U.S. representative from Hawaii discusses why she left the Democratic party, citing what she calls their focus on woke ideology, anti-white animus and shift away from traditional American values.

College girl, missing - the true story of how a young woman disappeared in plain sight

"When Lauren Spierer-a gregarious young woman at a crossroads in her life-vanished from Indiana University in 2011, her story drew global attention from celebrities and news outlets such as People magazine, CNN, Fox News, and USA Today. What made the caseso confounding to those outlets was that the 20-year-old was out with dozens of classmates in a bustling university town on the night she went missing. She was seen in public by witnesses and security cameras, and ended up in a townhouse complex

Why War? by Overy, Richard
Date added:
May 2, 2024
Why War?

Virginia City vs Bonanza - a tale of merging histories

"This book reveals the reality of life in Virginia City, Nevada in the 19th century versus the legendary storylines of the iconic television show Bonanza. In addition, it explores the history of early TV and its depictions of the West, as well as the fullhistory of Virginia City from its environmental issues to its silver mining up to the present"--

Unjust debts - how our bankruptcy system makes America more unequal

"A groundbreaking look at the hidden role of bankruptcy in perpetuating inequality in America, from an expert in the field"--

Unsettled - American Jews and the movement for justice in Palestine

"Unsettled examines the role of young American Jews in the Palestine solidarity movement and argues that their activism and commitment to ending the occupation and Israeli apartheid is a Jewish value, which is a necessary response to the changing conditions of American Jewish life in the twenty-first century"--

