New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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The mouth of earth - poems

"Poems in The Mouth of Earth contemplate how we might live wisely in the midst of a planetary change we barely comprehend. The book is a contribution to 21st century environmental literature, and a survival guide to the planet and one another in the age of climate crisis"--

Joining Places- Slave Neighborhoods in the Old South

Joining Places: Slave Neighborhoods in the Old South

The unplugged hours - cultivating a life of presence in a digitally connected world

"No matter what you do for a living, how much time your apps save you, or how much entertainment your phone brings, it is possible to unplug--and find an even better life on the other side. In the spring of 2021, Hannah Brencher found herself depleted andexhausted--and she knew the culprit was her constantly plugged-in lifestyle. Like so many of us, Hannah had been turning to her phone to cope with life in a time of isolation and uncertainty. Those coping mechanisms had calcified into habits she

Why me God? by Cornell, Margaret
Date added:
Jun 20, 2024
Why me God?

In October 2017 Margaret was very shocked when she was diagnosed with Stage Four Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and given two months to live, but God intervened.

Well, This Is Me by Perlman, Asher
Date added:
Jun 20, 2024
Well, This Is Me

Valley so low - one lawyer's fight for justice in the wake of America's great coal catastrophe

"A riveting courtroom drama as victims of a manmade environmental disaster-the survivors-pursue justice in a Tennessee court led by a country lawyer challenging the notion that, in America, justice can be bought"--

A well-trained wife - my escape from Christian patriarchy

"Today it hit me when he hit me, blood shaking in my brain. Maybe there wasn't a savior coming. Maybe it was up to me to save me." Recruited into the fundamentalist Quiverfull movement as a young wife, Tia Levings learned that being a good Christian meantfollowing a list of additional life principles--a series of secret, special rules to obey. Being a godly and submissive wife in Christian Patriarchy included strict discipline, isolation, and an alternative lifestyle that appeared wholesome to o

Slaveroad by Wideman, John Edgar
Date added:
Jun 20, 2024

Shame on you - how to be a woman in the age of mortification

"A courageous, in-depth investigation into the modern epidemic of shame in our society-what it is, why women are uniquely susceptible, and how we can shift the shame off our plates and live our best lives in an over-exposed, image-obsessed world"--

Round here and over yonder - a front-porch travel guide by two progressive hillbillies (yes, that's a thing)

Two comedians and Southern boys present this heartwarming and hilarious travel guide that takes you to the smallest of small towns in the South, to major U.S. cities, and across the pond where there's always something to roast, something to toast and something to learn about what ties us together as humans.

