New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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Asian American is not a color - conversations on race, affirmative action, and family

"A mother and race scholar seeks to answer her daughter's many questions about race and racism with an earnest exploration into race relations and affirmative action from the perspectives of Asian Americans"--

Anxiety coach - a parent's guide to treating childhood anxiety and OCD

"The Mayo Clinic Anxiety Coach is a groundbreaking program in book form, for parents of children and adolescents with anxiety disorders or obsessive compulsive disorder. When children have anxiety disorders they are very afraid, nervous, or worried abouttypical daily experiences that would not bother most children their age. For some kids with OCD, rather than feeling nervous or worried, they feel "grossed-out" by things or feel the need to make things "just-right." In both cases, children feel

10-minute strength training exercises for seniors - exercises and routines to build muscle, balance, and stamina

"Staying strong and flexible becomes even more important as we age. This guide to exercise for seniors makes it easy to stay in motion with short and simple exercises you can do anytime and anywhere. With clear illustrations alongside step-by-step instructions from licensed physical therapist Ed Deboo, you'll learn how to build muscle mass, improve bone density, and feel great in only 10 minutes per day. A 3-part plan-Start with the principles of strength training before diving into 40 individua

"Are you calling me a racist?" - why we need to stop talking about race and start making real antiracist change

"Diversity and anti-racism work is too often reduced to training, therapy, education, and policy, or what the author calls "Feel-Good" approaches that focus on emotions and morality and prevent us from taking collective action for racial justice, decolonization, and equity in our organizations and communities"--

The wildsea by Isaacs, Felix, author.
Date added:
Apr 15, 2024
The wildsea

A ship with a hull of painted leviathan bone cuts across the waves, the underslung chainsaw at the prow tearing a furrow through blossoms and branches that regrow before it crosses the horizon. The crew are motely-a humanesque cactoid at the helm, an ancient woman with a voluminous scarf and a laugh like thunder on watch, and a hive-mind of spiders slipping in and out of a silken skin as it tends to the wheezing engine. There were more of them once, but the wilds are a bright and hungry place. F

In defense of openness - why global freedom is the humane solution to global poverty

"The topic of global justice has long been a central concern within political philosophy and political theory, and there is no doubt that it will remain significant given the persistence of poverty on a massive scale and soaring global inequality. Yet, virtually every analysis in the vast literature of the subject seems ignorant of what developmental economists, both left and right, have to say about the issue. In Defense of Openness illuminates the problem by stressing that there is overwhelmin

The way of the champion - pain, persistence, and the path forward

"From the greatest lacrosse player of all time, lessons on becoming a true champion - in sports, business, and in life"--

Treating violence - an emergency room doctor takes on a deadly American epidemic

"The inspiring story of a Black doctor deeply affected by the violence in his childhood that plagued his Brooklyn community who was determined to be a force for change and dedicated himself to addressing trauma and violence as public health issues"--

Shadow diplomacy - Lev Parnas' wild ride from Brooklyn to Donald Trump's inner circle

"Lev Parnas has seen just about everything. A wheeler-dealer from the streets of Brooklyn, his adventures took him to Moscow to Wall Street to Hollywood to Miami to the White House and, eventually, to prison. His fascinating, eye-opening story offers an insider’s view of how money and power actually work to keep the world running exactly the way some want it to." --

The new prepper's survival bible

With a complete collection of an incredible 13 books on prepping and urban survival, this ultimate guide is your proven blueprint for escaping disaster.Breaking down tried-and-tested prepping knowledge into easy-to-follow strategies and advice, you'll learn how to start stockpiling resources, protect your loves ones, and survive the total collapse of society.Whether you're worried about natural disasters, nuclear war, disease outbreaks, or an end-of-the-world scenario, the expert lessons inside

