New Arrivals Added To Our Adult Nonfiction Collection in the last 7 days

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The right to learn - resisting the right-wing attack on academic freedom

"From leaders on the frontlines of the battle for academic freedom, a first-of-its-kind response to the far right's insidious attacks on the right to learn"--

Rift - a memoir of breaking away from Christian patriarchy

""A powerful meditation on what it means to be trapped and what it takes to break free."Publishers Weekly STARRED ReviewA gripping memoir about coming of age in the stay-at-home daughter movement and the quest to piece together a future on your own terms.Raised in the Christian patriarchy movement, Cait West was homeschooled and could only wear clothes her father deemed modest. She was five years old the first time she was told her swimsuit was too revealing, to go change. There would be no coll

Piping hot bees and boisterous buzz-runners - 20 mysteries of honey behavior solved

"Thomas Seeley has spent his career unraveling the mysteries of honey bee behavior. His goal has been to understand how the 30,000 or so bees in a colony work together as a unit to accomplish such things as finding and occupying a snug nest cavity, furnishing it with beeswax combs, filling these combs with brood and food, and keeping themselves well nourished, comfortably warm, and safe from intruders. In this book, Seeley's goal is to illuminate these and other mysteries about the workings of h

Love life - how to raise your standards, find your person, and live happily (no matter what)

"The leading dating and confidence coach, and New York Times bestselling author, shares his wisdom and audience-tested advice on finding love through deep confidence, clear boundaries, and a love for life that leaves you fulfilled both within a relationship and before you've found one"--

Intertwined - women, nature, and climate justice

"A powerful argument that greater inclusion of women in conservation and climate science is key to the future of the planet"--

Get better at anything - 12 maxims for mastery

"The author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller Ultralearning explores why it's so difficult for people to learn new skills, arguing that three factors must be met to make advancement possible, and offering 12 maxims to improve the way we learn"--

Learning to think - a memoir of faith, superstition, and the courage to ask questions

"Tracy King was raised in a house of contradictions--her family was happy and creative, yet shadowed by debt, phobias, her father's alcoholism, and the illusory promises of a born-again Christian church. The uneasy balance of the King household was irrevocably upended on a rainy spring night in 1988, when her father was killed by teenagers just blocks from their public housing estate. Her mother's dysfunctional reliance on the church deepened following the tragedy, and King, suffering from undia

The genius of empathy - practical skills to heal your sensitive self, your relationships, & the world

"Ignite empathy as a superpower for transformative personal healing, deeper relationships, and more potent work in the world"--

